Part 5

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Zed just stared at me, as if he was questioning if i was serious.

"Why do you want to go home," he asked.

"Because i'm upset your making me choose!" I teared up. I love them both so much! I didn't want to choose one over the other... But Zed did hit Wyatt and he's the one forcing me to choose... But Wyatt tried to make Zed leave me by kissing me... It was to much to think about at the moment. I just needed to get some sleep.

"Please just come lay down with me and we can discuss this in the morning." I hesitated for a moment then nodded and laid down next to him. He wrapped his arms around me and i eventually fell asleep in his arms. The next morning we got up and had breakfast then went to school. I had completely forgotten that we were going to talk about him forcing me to choose. Zed held my hand as we walked down the hall together. Eventually we got to his class.
"I'll see you at lunch." He kissed my cheek then went in. I walked down the hall again then noticed Wyatt come up to me.
"Hey... I just wanted to let you know I'm really sorry. I hope your not mad still." He slowed down a little so he fell behind a bit and was no longer walking next to me. He was sad. I could see it in his usually, bright, happy looking eyes. I felt bad. I slowed down until I was walking next to him then I took his hand. He just looked at me and I smiled a bit.
"I already forgave you. Remember? You and I agreed to stop touching each other as much."
I smiles slightly at him before going into my class. Later at lunch I sat next to Zed and across from Wyatt. Zed leaned over and whispered in my ear.
"Have you decided yet?"
"Decided what?" I didn't whisper and the others looked over at me. They seemed curious about why Zed was whispering. He noticed them and got up then grabbed my wrist and lead me away so they couldn't hear.
"Who is it gonna be? Wyatt or me?" I had forgotten he told me I had to choose last night and got really nervous. I became slightly pale. I didn't want to choose. I looked over at the others. They were all staring at us and Willa and Wyatt exchanged concerned looks. I felt Zed put his hand on my chin and gently move my head so I looked at him. He looked really serious and it made me even more nervous. I felt my mouth become dry. I had nothing to say. As Zed continued to look into my eyes and wait for an answer I realized he was still holding my wrist. I looked down at it. "Addison." I heard him say with the most serious tone I had ever heard him use. "Who is it gonna be? Your boyfriend who loves and cared about you or the annoying mutt?"
"Don't call him that." I got upset. He's not a mutt.
"Why are you standing up for him?"
"Because he's my friend."
"Oh. So you choose him?"
"I never said that!"
"Addison. Don't take that tone with me." I wasn't trying to be rude but I was starting to get really overwhelmed.
"But I didn't say that. I haven't chosen anyone and I'm not going to." I could see anger appear in his eyes and he grabbed my other wrist and squeezed both of them a little as he pulled me closer. I tried to pull away but he wouldn't let me.
"Your going to choose... and there will be conciseness if you don't make the right decision. So you better remind yourself who your in love with and who you are currently dating." I glanced over at our friends back at the table. They all knew something wasn't right. Wyatt looked the most worried of all and got up. Wynter and Willa did as well. "Addison! Look at me!" Suddenly I felt Zed grab my jaw and turn my head to force me to look up at him. He didn't let go of one of my wrists and I tried to use my free hand to make him.
"Stop it, Zed! This is going to far!"
"Tell me who you choose and I'll let go."
I thought about it for a moment. "...I ...I choose-" Next thing I know Wyatt cuts me off.
"Is everything ok over here?" He asked, trying not to seem too concerned or worried.
"It's none of your business, mutt. Now get out of here." I got really annoyed.
"Stop calling him that! He's not a mutt! Just leave him alone!"
"Don't talk to me like that."
"I'll talk to you however I feel the need to." Zed looked even more mad. Suddenly I felt myself get pushed against the wall. Wyatt gasped and I screamed as I felt a stinging sensation in my face then collapsed to the ground. Zed looked down at me and glared. I lightly touched my face where he had slapped me and my eyes filled with tears. Suddenly his expression softened. This wasn't the Zed I had fallen in love with. Anger or something took over him and his actions. What could it have been that made him act out like this? Rage, sadness, jealously? Well whatever it was he needed to get it under control.
"Addison... I'm so sorry. I... I didn't mean to..." I got up then ran out of the cafeteria. Eliza got up and her and Willa followed as I ran down the hall then into the girls bathroom, sobbing.
"Addison! Wait!" Eliza yelled as her and Willa chased me. I locked myself in the stall.
"Please come out." Willa said. I didn't. My cheek hurt. I could feel it throbbing a bit. Suddenly Bree ran into the bathroom.
"Addison is really gonna want to see this!" She left and I slowly opened the door. Willa took my hand and we left the bathroom after I caught a glimpse of the red handprint on my cheek in the mirror. We ran back to the cafeteria. I was still crying a bit and was still in pain but less than before. We came back to see Wyatt looking really mad. His eyes were glowing yellow slightly as he yelled at Zed.
"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?! WHY THE HECK WOULD YOU HIT HER LIKE THAT?!?!" Willa, Eliza and I all looked really shocked. I don't think any of us have seen Wyatt so mad. "YOUR NOTHING BUT AN ABUSIVE JERK WHO HAD AN AMAZING GIRL AND JUST MADE A HUGE MISTAKE. I HOPE SHE LEAVES YOU FOR SOMEONE MUCH BETTER WHO TREATS HER LIKE A QUEEN." I could tell Zed felt bad but was trying not to show it. He said nothing and left. Wyatt took a deep breath then walked over to me.

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