Part 9

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I just wanted to say a huge thank you to @Uma___, @nsaad and @Dorothyshoes30 for giving me lots of amazing ideas and inspiration! :) <3


"Addison... Addison! Wake up!" I heard someone say. I slowly opened my eyes to see a room full of people that all looked familiar. The light was blinding and i blushed slightly when i noticed everyone staring at me. A few seconds ago i was thinking i was probably dead and now i'm awake! I'm no longer trapped inside my mind with nothing to entertain me but my thoughts. I stared back at everyone there and started to recognize them again.

"Mom... Dad... Eliza, Bonzo, Bree, Bucky, Wynter, Willa and Wyatt." I named them all one by one and wanted to make sure i remembered them.

"Awww. She remembers us." Wynter smiled then said.

"Why wouldn't i?" i looked around the room and realized i was in the hospital.

"You've been in a coma for two months, sweetie..." My mom stepped forward and said. I gasped.

"Two months?!?!" I sat up but one of the doctors gently pushed me back down.

"Shh. You need to rest." He said.

"But I've been resting for two months!"

"Yes... but your body is still really weak from not getting the right nutrition you need. Your still gonna be really tired and you might feel a bit sick for a while."

"Oh..." I looked down. Wyatt looked at the doctor.

"Can i hug her?"

"Yes. Of course. Just be careful." He looked excited then gently hugged me and i hugged back slightly.

"Where is Zed???" i asked then Wyatt slowly let go and everyone exchanged looks. No one answered my question.

"Where is he?" I repeated after a minute.

"Do you not remember what happened?" Willa asked.

"I do. I just figured you guys probably figured out why he was acting like that and helped him in the two months i had been asleep." Everyone exchanged looks again then Wynter spoke.

"Zed got locked up in some Zombie containment place where they can keep him from hurting anyone else. Since he is so strong they had to send him to the best place they had with the most security and that is 4 hours away from here. We agreed not to tell you since we knew you would be sad and miss him a lot and we didn't want to overwhelm you with too many emotions."

"Wynter!" Wyatt raised his voice a bit and looked annoyed and a bit mad. She noticed and whimpered slightly.

"Sorry! You know i'm terrible at keeping secrets!" I couldn't believe what i just heard. My eyes filled with tears and i tried really hard not to start balling. I hoped this was all a bad dream and i quickly shut my eyes and tried to go back to sleep.

"Addison, no!" I heard Wyatt yell before quickly laying down next to me and wrapping me up in his arms. I opened my eyes and everyone looked shocked. I looked over at him and watched him turn a bit red with embarrassment.

"I'm sorry... i just... I was worried if i let you close your eyes again we might lose you." I thought it was sweet and wrapped my arms around him too then rested my head against his chest.

"Awww." I heard Wynter whisper before putting a blanket on us. I blushed slightly. Wyatt help me against his chest and kept me wrapped in his arms. I started thinking about Zed again. I didn't want everyone to see me cry so i pulled the blanket over my head.

"Its ok, Addie." Wyatt gently pulled the blanket down then rubbed my back while i cried on his shoulder. I noticed my parents talking to the doctor and watched them come back over to us.

"The doctor says we can take you home early. The only thing is that since your body is a bit weak right now your gonna need a lot of extra help from us. Your going to stay in bed a lot of the time and your probably not going to school for a while." Willa, Eliza, Bonzo, Bree, Wynter and Wyatt all exchanged looks and frowned. Wyatt let go of me and got up and went over to them. i wiped my tears with my sleeve and was no longer crying.

"What about us? We want to see her. She has to come to school."

"There is no way were letting her get hurt again. Zed and her were really close and she loved and trusted him  more than almost anyone. We don't know who she can trust. One of you might end up hurting her someday." Eliza stepped forward.

"With all due respect... Zed must have had a reason he hurt her... And it probably had to do with something messing with his Z-Band. Bonzo and I's Z-Bands are fine, Willa, Wynter and Wyatt wouldn't hurt her and its not like something could happen to their moonstones that would make her and all of her human friends wouldn't hurt her either."

"Plus i bet we would all be willing to pitch in and do whatever it takes to help take care of Addison. I especially would. If shes too tired to walk i'll carry her, If she needs to eat i'll buy her a snack, if she feels lonely, scared or unsafe i'll be there to comfort her. I had promised her that i would take care of and look after her when she wakes up." Wyatt added onto Eliza's statement. It was at that moment that i realized Wyatt was the voice i kept hearing. He was the one who came everyday and kept crying.

"One time Zed hit Addison while they were in the cafeteria and she ran away crying but i saw Wyatt stick up for her and get really protective. He yelled at him and made him feel bad so he regretted what he did and left." Bree said.

"As soon as Zed left Wyatt took care of Addison and calmed her down and stayed calm himself so she didn't feel overwhelmed. Then i got her an ice pack and he managed to make her feel better." Willa said as i noticed Wyatt looking down and blushing.

"Addison is my best friend. I swear on my life i'll do everything i can to make her feel happy and to keep her safe." He looked up. I blushed slightly as well when he took my hand and i noticed my dad shoot him a look then narrow his eyes slightly. My mom sighed.

"Alright i believe she's in good hands. She can go to school." Everyone smiled and I looked at the doctor who took all of the medical equipment off of me. I carefully sat up and my parents hugged me. I let go and noticed my mom was crying a bit.

"What's wrong?" i asked with a concerned look.

"We just really missed you and we're happy your alright and that you woke up."

"Awww. Well i'm ok now."

"Are you sure?" my dad asked.

"Yes. I'm just a bit tired."

"Then lets take you home."

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