Part 8

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I barely remembered what happened. Had i really hit my head that hard? I heard voices. Not familiar voices and I couldn't understand what they were saying. I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't. It was almost like they were glued shut. Suddenly I could understand the voices.

"She hit her head really hard. She is definitely suffering from some head trauma." The first voice said.

"Well her parents are in the waiting room and they won't stop asking if she is alright. What should I tell them?"

"The truth."

"I don't want to tell them that she's in a coma and most likely will be for a year or more! Or that there is a chance she could die and never wake up at all!" Were they talking about me? Who were they and where was I?

"Wyatt! No!!!" I heard a familiar voice yell. There was a loud noise as the door flew open and someone ran in.

"How is she?! Is she gonna be alright?! Another familiar voice said with a really worried tone.
"I'm afraid she might not be... she's in a coma and she is probably not gonna wake up for a year or maybe two. But there is also a chance she just won't wake up at all."

"No!" The familiar voice cried out and started sobbing. "I'm gonna kill Zed!!!" I remembered. Zed did this to me.

"Please calm down sir. There is still a chance she can hear you. You can come talk to her if you would like..." A couple seconds later i heard a soft, comforting voice.

"Addison... I'm so sorry this happened to you." He was silent for a moment. "Back when I kissed you I was trying to make you see that Zed is a bad person. Not because he's a zombie... But because he's violent and dangerous. I could just tell because of how mad he would get when i would hug you or we would hang out. I just knew someday his anger would take over him and he would hurt you or somebody. Obviously I didn't need to kiss you to make you see that. I know it seems crazy and you probably didn't want to think that was a possibility because I could tell you really loved Zed. He made you happy and seeing you happy made me happy. Something happened to him though... it's almost like something made him evil... anyways... you should know that I'll be waiting for you to wake up. You better not die. I need you. You're my best friend." I felt bad. He was still crying a bit but less and I really wanted to let him know I was here and give him a hug. But i couldn't.

It felt like I had been asleep for weeks. That soon turned into months, then years. I could never remember who the voices were unless someone would say something like Addison's mom is here to see her. There was this voice that was there a lot and seemed to talk to me more than anybody else but I didn't know who it was. This person would come almost everyday and tell me they missed me and they want to see me again more than anything. Sometimes they would cry and tell me they couldn't lose me or that i was too important to them. One thing they said that i remember clearly was when they voice said "I promise that if you will just wake up i'll protect you and never let anyone hurt you again." I thought that was so sweet and it made me want to wake up even more because i knew i would have someone to look after me and i would make the person happy again. It broke my heart a little more each and every time i heard them cry. I eventually figured out it was one of my friends because they would tell me whenever something important happened at school. A lot of the time i would hear people crying and talking to other people asking when i would wake up but everytime they would give the same answer. They didn't know. There was a time period when i stopped hearing all of the voices. Even the one i used to hear everyday. Was i dying? i thought. Or is there a chance the voices are still there and i just can't hear them? Either way i felt really lonely and sad. i wanted to wake up more than anything now. I was too young to die. As time passed i started forgetting simple things. My name, age, my friends names, where i lived, etc. But there were also some things i remembered. There was a cute Zombie boy who hurt me, two pretty Werewolf girls and a really handsome werewolf boy. There was also another Zombie girl and a cheerleader but i forgot all of their names and how i knew them. There were a few random memories that i remembered so clearly that it was almost like i kept reliving them. One was this time i danced with a zombie and kissed him then another was the same guy hitting me. I remembered this werewolf yelling at him and then i also remembered the time the werewolf took me into this beautiful place and showed me some kind of magic crystal. I didn't really remember anything else. I feared i was gonna lose the last memories i had so i would constantly think about them and relive them in my head. I missed the voices now. A lot. I still hadn't figured out if they forgot about me and moved on or if i was dead.

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