Part 19

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"What is it, baby?"
"I have to go home now."
"Awww. No. Please. I want you to keep staying with me."
"Bad stuff will happen if I don't. Like my dad is about to lock your sister in zombie containment."
"Oh come on. She's really tough. She won't let him."
"Still." He sighed.
"Fine. Then let's go."
"Alright." I kissed his cheek then we left and started walking to my house. 10 minutes later we got there and went in.
"LET ME GO!!!" Gus was standing behind Willa who was sitting on a chair with her hands cuffed behind her back. "It burns!!!"
"Are those handcuffs silver?!?!" Wyatt asked looking really worried.
"Yup." Gus answered. Wyatt quickly picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.
"I will leave with Addison right now if you don't take the cuffs off this instant." Gus looked at my dad who nodded then he took them off. Wyatt gently set me down then went over to Willa and hugged her. I heard the door lock and turned around to see Zed standing there. I looked around the room and saw that Zed, Eliza, Bonzo, Bucky, Bree, Willa, Wynter, Gus and of course my parents were there. Bucky pulled a chair out from the table and looked at me.
"Now." I hesitated then sat down. Zed put his hands on my shoulders as Gus quickly grabbed Wyatt and put him in an arm lock behind his back.
"Stop!!!" I instantly tried to get up but Zed just pushed me back down. "Don't hurt him!!!"
"We don't want to and we won't if you two talk and answer all of our questions, sweetie."
"Speak for yourself." My dad said. I kept trying to get up.
"Just let him go!" Wynter looked worried. Willa whispered something to her and she seemed to calm down a bit. I looked up at Zed who was still above me with his hands on his shoulders. He smiled slightly then looked at my dad when he cleared his throat.
"Why did you run away?" He crossed his arms.
"You know exactly why."
"We don't though..." Bree said sorta quietly.
"It's because of my dad and Zed."
"What did they do?" Eliza asked.
"You all know exactly what Zed did... but after he tried to apologize my dad and him started fighting and trying to hurt each other. I had a panic attack twice and the second time I needed someone to comfort me but my mom was too busy keeping them apart so I went to Wyatt, Willa and Wynter. I'm also upset because my dad doesn't like Wyatt and keeps telling me how much he hates him. He told me we can't be together and I have to pretend I don't know him. That is another reason I left." My dad just rolled his eyes.
"I'm sorry for fighting with Zed. I'm starting to see he actually is a good kid. But I will not apologize for what I said about Wyatt."
"You know what, Dad? I don't care if you like Wyatt or not. I love him and I'm going to continue to be with him." He looked really mad and looked at Gus.
"Bring Wyatt into the other room... him and I are gonna have a little chat..."
"I'm coming."
"No you're not.  Sorry, Addie." Zed said before he gently picked me up and held me. I squirmed as Gus brought Wyatt into the other room.
"Let me go!!!" I yelled.
"Shhh. It's ok. Everything is going to be fine." Zed tried to comfort me by holding me in his arms as he kissed my cheek a few times.
"Get your hands off of me!" He sighed then gently put me down and I ran into the other room. My dad was standing across from Wyatt who was crying a bit.
"What did you do to him?!" I quickly hugged him and he didn't hug back or calm down. "Babe... what's wrong?" I kissed his cheek and he looked down and cried harder.
"I'm breaking up with you." I couldn't believe what I just heard.
"Why? Did I do something wrong?"
"No. You're perfect, baby girl." I teared up and he gave me a quick kiss on the lips then went back into the other room. I followed.
"Is my dad forcing you to do this?" He was silent. "Babe. Please talk to me!" He smiled slightly through his tears then left. I started crying really hard then noticed Willa and Wynter run after him. Bree hugged me and Eliza went over to my dad.
"How could you do that?! I've never seen Addison happier than when she was with him!" Zed frowned. Probably because he wished I was happy with him. "They were so happy together and Wyatt took such good care of her!"
"He is nothing but a bad influence for her and she's much better off without him."
"Look at her! She's sobbing!"
"She'll get over it."
"You're the one who needs to get over whatever you have against Wyatt."
"Get out of my house."
"Fine." Eliza and Bonzo left. Soon Bree, Bucky and Gus all had to go which left my parents, Zed and I. I ran upstairs and into my room with Zed following me. I looked out the window and saw Wyatt standing there crying with Wynter hugging him. Clearly they didn't get that far before he got really sad. Willa saw me and motioned for me to come. I opened my window and right as I was about to climb out of it Zed grabbed my waist and pulled me close then shut and locked the window. He closed the blinds as well. "What are you doing?" I asked, still sobbing as he sat on my bed then put my on his lap.
"Something I've been waiting to do for a long time."

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