Part 20

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"You need to forget about Wyatt and move on. You two can't be together ever again. You're not his girl anymore. So... I wanted to ask... will you be mine? I promise I won't hurt you again."
"I don't have feelings for you anymore, Zed."
"Well maybe I can change your mind..." He pushed me down on the bed then climbed on top of me. I gasped as he kissed me passionately and had his hands at his sides so he could hold himself up a bit. I would've enjoyed this if it was Wyatt doing it. I turned my face away to break the kiss and he just continued kissing me but on my cheek.
"Zed. Stop."
"No. I'm gonna do whatever it takes to make you mine again."
"Well your not gonna change my mind. I don't love you anymore. I want to be with Wyatt."
"Too bad. You can't be. You might as well just forget he exists."
"I will never." He moved my hair out of the way then saw my neck and gasped.
"Addison! Is that a hickey?! And a bite mark?!" I had forgotten Wyatt did that.
"So what if it is? You gave me a hickey before I went into that coma."
"Well I didn't mean to!"
"You still did."
"No. I was acting the way I did because of my Z-Band." I rolled my eyes and he got off of me. I got up then went over to the window again but right before I could open the blinds Zed grabbed me.
"Oh no you don't. We're going to show your parents."
"No! They can never know! They won't know." He smirked slightly.
"I won't tell them on one condition."
"And what is that?" I crossed my arms.
"Be my girlfriend again."
"No. Be more reasonable."
"That is reasonable."
"It's not."
"Fine then. Mr. and Mrs. Wells!!! Come quick!!!" He yelled.
"Zed! Stop!" They ran into the room.
"What?! What is it?!" They looked worried. I glared at Zed and he moved my hair out of the way.
"Look at her neck." They saw and gasped.
"Addison Wells!!!!!!" My mom yelled.
"Zed Necropolis!!!!!!" I yelled at Zed.
"What did I do?" He raised an eyebrow.
"You weren't supposed to tell them!"
"So now your keeping secrets from us too?!?!" She asked.
"No! It's not like tha-"
"Give me your phone right now." She cut me off.
"Just do it!" I hesitated then held out my phone. She took it and did something. She called someone.
"Hi. Do you have a parents or something?" I could only hear one end of the conversation. "Well do you have someone who has authority over you? Great. Please bring them and come over as soon as possible. Bye." She hung up.
"Who was that?"
"Wyatt. Me and your father are gonna have a talk with him about what he did to you... Zed... if your ok to stay and you don't have to go home I would love for you to keep an eye on Addison while he's here. She's not aloud to leave this room."
"I'll gladly keep and eye on her..." He smirked slightly.
"Mom! That isn't fair!"
"I don't care about what you think is fair or not."
"Why are you two acting like this?!?! Your supposed to be loving and supportive parents!!!"
"We are!"
"You were!" I could tell they felt a bit bad because their expressions softened and they were silent. I started crying again then laid down on my bed and buried my face in my pillow. My parents sighed and left. Zed sat down at the foot of my bed and I got up then looked out the window and saw Wyatt and Willa. They didn't see me and went inside. I laid back down and Zed just sat there and did stuff on his phone. After about 10 minutes he got bored.
"Addison?" I sat up.
"Your parents said I'm in charge right?"
"In a way... I guess... why?"
"Just wondering." He got up and came closer to me. "Let's have some fun."
He smirked slightly then picked me up and carried me over to the wall then pinned me against it.
"Uhhh... no thanks. I think I'd rather just lay on my bed."
"I'm in charge so you need to do exactly as I tell you or I'll punish you."
"No. Please just put me down."
"Nah." He pinned my arms above my head then kissed me. I tried to pull away but nothing happened. I continued to try until I got so annoyed that I kicked him. He immediately dropped me and cried out in pain then looked mad. I got a little scared he was gonna hurt me and I think he could tell because he quickly grabbed me again. "I already told you I'm not gonna hurt you but I am gonna punish you for that, love."
"Don't call me love. We're not together."
"Yes we are. Now... should I tie you up so you can't kick me again or will you behave?" I thought about it for a sec.
"I'll behave."
"Good girl." He kissed me again and I counted to 5 in my head before I kicked him again but harder then ran for the door. He grabbed my waist then pulled some rope out of his pocket. "Your dad gave me this incase I had to tie you to the chair earlier but it turned out I didn't need to. Well it looks like it will be going to use anyways." He threw me on the bed then held one hand on my mouth and used the other to tie my ankles together. He was surprisingly pretty good at doing it with only one hand. He finished then did my wrists and let go of my mouth.
"I can't let you leave this room. That's what your mom said."
"We both know your not doing this because of my mom. You just want to be able to kiss me so that you can try to change my mind and make me want you back."
"Possibly." He picked me up but this time I couldn't do anything and he kissed me again. He stopped a few minutes later.
"HELP!!! PLEASE!!!" I screamed.
"Shut up!!!" He covered my mouth with his hand.

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