Part 13

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I was taken off guard when he kissed me and I was slightly shocked. I hesitated for a moment then kissed back. Him and I laid in bed and kissed, passionately for about 10 minutes. That was by far the most magical 10 minutes I've experienced since I woke up from my coma. After, Wyatt rolled over so he was laying on top of me and pinned my hands above my head. He gently started kissing my neck.
"I've been waiting for this moment." He whispered in my ear and smiled. He kissed me a few more times before he bit my neck but not hard enough for it to hurt or break the skin. I let out a small gasp. His fangs were sharp and pointy and it felt kinda good when he pressed the tip of them to my skin. He continued to gently bite me. Nothing felt real right now. It felt like time stopped and the only thing I could think about was the handsome werewolf on top of me. Well... that lasted for about 10 more seconds.
"WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!?!?!?!" Yelled an angry voice. Wyatt stopped and let go of my wrists then got off of me and we both sat up. Willa was standing in the doorway with a look on her face that was a mixture of anger and confusion.
"Willa... I can explain." Wyatt said. I could tell he was trying to hide that he was a bit scared.
"What were you doing to Addison?!?! Did you hurt her?!?!"
"No! I would never hurt her!"
"But it looked like you were biting her!!!"
"I was..." She looked a bit more confused and less angry. Without thinking I sat up and told her.
"Wyatt and I are in love with each other and we were kissing. Wyatt was just messing around and playfully bitting me. I'm fine." She looked shocked and showed no emotion for a moment. Then she smiled.
"I'm so happy for you guys!"
"Wait... So your not mad?" Wyatt asked.
"Why would I be mad???"
"Because I'm in love with a human..."
"Yeah... well we don't hate humans anymore. Plus Addison is different." I raised an eyebrow. "She's basically one of us."
"How is that?" I asked.
"Well first of all your here all the time, second your really nice to all of us, third your friends with most of the pack, and more. There's lots of reasons."
"I guess." I shrugged slightly.
"Now Wyatt... for the future... you don't have to hide it from me if you and Addison are making out. Don't think I didn't notice you glance at Wynter and I who happened to be looking at you right when you picked her up and carried her into the other room."
"Ok. Sorry, sis."
"It's fine. I'm really happy for you guys and I think your gonna make an amazing couple." She smiled then left.
"What time is it?"
"11:24." When I talked to my dad we never really talked about what time I had to be home but my normal curfew on a school night is 9. I gasped.
"Mhmm. Do you need me to walk you home now?" I nodded slightly then ran out of the room and towards the exit.
"Addison!!! Stop!!!" He yelled, sounding a bit worried and alarmed. He caught up to me.
"Your not supposed to be using that much energy! If you can't cheer then you probably can't run either!"
"It's fine!" Wyatt quickly grabbed me and picked me up. He looked slightly annoyed as he left the den.
"Can you put me down?"
"Because." He was definitely a bit upset with me...
"You need to just trust me and listen. I'm not trying to make you upset. I just want you to be safe."
"I know." I sighed. He carried me all the way back through the woods and to my house which was luckily a walking distance. He stopped once we got to the front porch and put me down. He gave me a quick peck on the lips.
"Goodnight, beautiful." I blushed and he left. When I went inside I saw my mom and dad sitting at the table. My mom was on the phone and my dad was watching her.
"Yes. She had white hair and blue eyes. Her name is Addison Wells." I heard her say. I raised an eyebrow. Then caught a glimpse of my reflection in the window and realized I was still wearing Wyatt's jacket. I quickly took it off and threw it on the couch. I knew my dad would be mad if he saw me in that since he hates Wyatt. I cleared my throat and both my parents looked up at me.
"Addison!!!" My mom hung up and quickly got up then hugged me. "Where were you?! We were worried sick!" My dad got up as well and did not look happy at all.
"Do you have any idea what time it is?! Your mom and I were in the middle of calling the police!!! We thought you were kidnapped!"
"But I wasn't. I'm fine."
"Your also grounded and not going to school for the next month. Give me your phone." He held out his hand.
"Dad! That's not fair! I didn't mean to stay out too late!"
"Whether you meant to or not you did!" He snatched my phone out of my hand. "Go to your room. NOW." I teared up then grabbed Wyatt's jacket off the couch and went into my room, slamming the door behind me. I laid down on my bed and tried not to cry. Now I won't be able to see or even talk to Wyatt or any of my friends. For a while. I sat up and put his jacket on and wrapped myself up in it. It was warm and comforting and it smelled like whatever deodorant or cologne he used last. I took a deep breath then calmed down and closed my eyes. Soon after that I feel asleep.

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