Part 3

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Zed wouldn't let go of my hand. He pulled me through the woods until we got to the car. I got in the back with Zoey and puppy again. Zed sat in the front like before. Zoey clearly knew Zed was upset because she stayed silent the whole car ride and just sat there, petting her dog. Zed looked out the window the entire ride and was silent, even when I tried to talk to him. We pulled up in front of my house.

"You might want to park, Dad. I need to talk to Addison alone for a few minutes," Zed said. Zevon nodded then parked the car. I got out and went into the house and Zed followed me inside then shut the door.

"What is going on with you? Why are you so upset," I asked, looking concerned.

"Why am i upset?! I don't know, Addison! Take a guess," he yelled at me. I was shocked. He's never yelled at me before. I stood there. Silent. A minute passed before he spoke.

"I'm mad because clearly there is something going on between you and that stupid werewolf, Wyatt!"

"He's not stupid!"

"See?! Now your defending him!"

"Because he's my friend!"

"Mhmm," he said sarcastically. "Friends. Right."

"Thats all we are! What made you think we're anything more?"

"Maybe the fact that you two were flirting at lunch and i walked into the den to see him holding you to his chest with his face only a few inches from yours as he had his arms wrapped around your body!!!" He looked furious and I got a little scared.

"We were just cheering!"


"I promise! He asked me to teach him something and the trick ended with him catching me! Nothing else was happening!" he narrowed his eyes at me.


"Yes. I promise. Wyatt and i are just good friends. I don't like him like that. Your the only one i love." He sighed and calmed down.

"Good. I'm sorry i over reacted."

"Its ok. Hug?" He nodded and we hugged.

"Goodnight." He gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

"Goodnight." I watched Zed leave then went back inside and went to bed.

The next morning i woke up and got ready for school. I ate breakfast then walked there. I got to my home room and put my stuff down. I turned around to see Wyatt run in the door with Willa and Wynter following. He grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him.

"Are you ok?!" He asked.

"Ummmm... Yes. Why?"

"We were all worried when we saw how mad Zed was and how he forced you to leave. Wynter wanted to make sure you were ok so she walked to your house last night and she heard a lot of yelling."

"Oh..." I looked down. "Zed and i were just arguing." Willa stepped forward.

"So he didn't hurt you? You're ok," she asked.

"Of course i'm fine! Zed would never hurt me." The three of them exchanged looks.

"Ok then..." Said Wynter. Then the three of them left and class started.

Later at lunch i sat next to Zed, like i always do. Wyatt, Willa and Wynter sat across from us, Eliza sat on my other side, Bonzo sat next to her and Bree sat next to Zed. Zed and i were both avoiding talking about last night so we were silent most of the time and we barely looked at each other. I could tell Wyatt was nervous about something so i got up and motioned for him to come with me. He got up as well and we left the cafeteria and went into the hall.

"Whats going on? Why are you acting nervous?"

"I'm not nervous..."

"Yes you are. Tell me whats wrong." I stopped and he sighed then did too.

"I'm just worried about you... I've never seen a Zombie get that mad with their Z-band on..."

"So," I asked.

"Zed looked like he was going to hurt you. He seemed super mad."

"He was. But that doesn't mean he'll hurt me."

"He might. What was he mad about anyways?"

"I don't really want to talk about it." I tried to start walking again but he grabbed my wrist and gently pulled me back.

"Please tell me."

"...Fine... He got mad when he saw you holding me."

"Ohhhh," he said, not looking worried anymore.


"Lets go back."

"Ok." We walked back to the cafeteria then sat down and finished our food. After that we went to class. At the end of the day i stood outside and waited for my bus. I noticed Wyatt, Willa and Wynter over near the football field. Wyatt looked very stressed out and worried. Wynter was grinning and Willa was glaring at Wyatt. I wanted to know what they were talking about. I started to run over to them and as i got closer i could here mumbling that got louder until i could understand what they were saying.

"I can't do it!" He said.

"You have to!" Said Willa.

"Can't do what?" I asked. All three of them quickly turned to look at me.

"Oh... hi, Addison." Wyatt said while looking down. Something was wrong. I could tell.

"Whats wrong?" I looked concerned.

"Nothing," he shook his head.

"Promise," I asked. He was silent and didn't look up. After a minute he spoke.

"Can we go talk about it over on the bleachers?" I nodded. He took my hand and we walked over to one where there were no other people. On the field Zed and the rest of the football team were practicing. Wyatt and i sat down.

"I have to tell you something, Addie."

"You can tell me anything." He starred at me for a moment and i could tell he was trying to find the right words to use. suddenly he leaned in a little bit. I could tell what was about to happen so i moved away from him and he scooted towards me. We kept doing that until i almost fell off the edge. He got really close to me then put one hand on my waist then the other on my cheek. I was shocked. I didn't know what to do. He leaned in and kissed me. I pulled away then looked at the field to see Zed walking towards us, looking furious...

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