Part 4

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As Zed was walking towards us I got a really nervous feeling in my gut. I knew something bad was about to happen. Then something did. The terrible thing I was talking about at the beginning of this story. The thing that brought us to where we are now. Zed walked up the bleachers and grabbed me. He held me against him with one hand then punched Wyatt with his free hand. Wyatt fell unconscious then hit his head on the bleachers. Willa and Wynter ran over to him and woke him up then helped him get up. The zombie patrol guard that was walking through the school grabbed Zed and pulled him away from me then took the five of us to the office. Willa and Wynter went with Wyatt to the nurses office where they took care of him and Zed waited in the waiting room. I sat with the school councilor and told her the whole story. Once we were done she told me I may leave. I left the room and saw Zed.

"We're gonna talk about this later right," he asked. I nodded slightly then watched him walk into the councilors office with the patrol officer. I went to the nurses office and saw Wyatt laying on the bed with Willa kneeling next to him and holding his hand. Wynter was sitting on the foot of the bed, watching him.

"How is he doing," I asked them as I sat down.

"He's going to be ok," Willa responded. I looked at Wyatt and felt really bad for him then looked down. I didn't know what to think about what had happened earlier. With the kiss. But the important thing was for me to make sure my friend gets better. Friend. That sounded weird to me now that I see he clearly hoped or wanted us to be... more? That kind of would explain a lot... like... the constant flirting and why he is always so nice to me. I spaced out as I was thinking. Suddenly I heard a whisper. I looked at Wyatt.

"Addison," he said. He must have hit his head hard because he seemed weak now. I got up and went over to him. Willa and Wynter got up too.

"We'll leave you two alone to talk for a bit..." they both looked down as they left the room and closed the door behind them.

"I'm sorry."

"For what," I asked.

"Kissing you..."

"Oh... i understand."

"You don't." I raised and eyebrow. "You see... I kissed you... to make Zed break up with you. Not because I loved you..." I was hurt and sad and didn't know what to think... but Zed didn't break up with me... I teared up. "Addison. Please don't cry." He sat up.

"I can't believe you! Why would you do that?! Why would you try to break us up?!" I was mad and he knew. He also knew I rarely ever get mad and I've never gotten mad at him.

"Addie. Come on. Just let me finish explaining."

"Explain what?! That you just wanted to get Zed in trouble and make me miserable without him?!"

"No! You see... Willa and I-" I cut him off.

"Willa was in on this too?!?!"

"Addison! Please just listen to me!" He looked worried.

"No! Leave me alone." I started to leave. He got up then came over to me and grabbed my wrists. Now he looked mad too. He pushed me against the wall and pinned my arms to my side.

"listen to me!!!"

"Ugh! Fine," I yelled. He loosened his grip a little.

"Willa, Wynter, I and every other werewolf knows you're amazing and that we need you in the pack. Zed is just keeping you away from us. Clearly he doesn't like you being around us so he tries to keep you away! He isn't very nice to us if you haven't noticed! So... the reason I kissed you was we thought..."

"We? As in Willa, Wynter and you?"

"Just let me finish... we thought that if we could do something to make him seem bad we could make you see that Zed is a bad person and that you should stay away from him. We were hoping he would dump you and assume it was your fault I kissed you. Then... you would see that he left you for a dumb reason and that he doesn't deserve you. We thought maybe you would be around more and you would become closer to the pack." I was shocked. It's sweet that he thinks they need me and that he wants me to become closer to them but I'm still mad at him because he just called Zed a horrible person. I frowned. Willa and Wynter were in on this too. Wow. "Please forgive me, Addie. I told you because we all felt guilty. We didn't mean for it to go this far. I still really want to be your best friend." He let go of my wrists and hugged me. I was upset with Zed for punching Wyatt, Wyatt for kissing me and trying to break us up and Willa and Wynter for being in on it and helping him. I was mad at all of them.

"Please. PLEASE forgive me," he begged. I guess he deserved another chance... he's never done anything else and it's not like I would be able to stay mad at him for very long...

"Ok. I forgive you."


"But there is one more thing. I really don't want to loose Zed so that means for him to be happy you and I have to stop touching each other as much."

"What do you mean," he asked.

"I mean no more kissing or hugging. We can... high five or fist bump," I said as his smile faded and he frowned. "Sorry..." He sighed and looked down. "It'll be ok," I said right before I left.

I went into the waiting room and saw Zed sitting in a chair, waiting for me. "You ready to go home?" I nodded slightly after he asked. "Would you like to stay at my house tonight? It might be good for you and I to get some alone time so we can talk this out..."

I hesitated then nodded slightly. "Ok. I'll come stay with you."

"Great." He smiled slightly then took my hand in his. by the time we got home it was dark and we we're both really tired. It had been a long, stressful day. I went into his room then sat on the edge of his bed. He sat next to me then held my hand again.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you mad and I didn't mean to be over protective or hurt Wyatt. Please forgive me," he said. I hesitated for a minute.

"Ok. I forgive you."

"Good. I love you."

"I love you too." We hugged.

"There is one more thing. Please don't get mad at me for saying this... but... I don't really want you and Wyatt to be friends anymore."

"What?! No way! He's one of my best friends!"

"That's part of the problem. He clearly wishes it was more."

"Your being ridiculous," i said.

"I'm not... But anyways... you have a choice, Addie. Have Wyatt as your best friend or me as your boyfriend."

"WHAT?!?! I don't want to choose!!!" I got up. I couldn't believe him. I didn't want to choose! I care about both of them! He grabbed both of my hands and pulled me down right as he laid down on the bed so I was laying on top of him. The tips of our noses were basically touching. He smirked a tiny bit before he kissed me. Him and I have only ever kissed twice. I didn't kiss back. He slowly moved down from my lips to my neck and continued to kiss me. I was mad. He couldn't make me choose. Now I'm even more mad because he's trying to play it off by distracting me. I pulled away and got off of him then stood up straight.

"I want to go home."

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