Part 11

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As soon as I pulled away from Wyatt he picked me up and held me bridal style. I squirmed.
"Addison. Stop it."
"No! I'm mad at you!"
"Well don't be. I'm your best friend and I promised you and your parents I would take good care of you while your at school."
"I don't care! I'm going to visit Zed."
"There is no way I'll let that happen." I cried harder and squirmed more. He looked down at me in his arms with a sad look. "I swear we were only keeping it secret to protect you."
"No! You kept it secret because you just want me to spend more time with you and stop worrying about what my boyfriend thinks when you hold me and kiss my cheek all the time."
"Well that's part of it too..."
"Honestly if we weren't as close as we are I would think you have a crush on me."
"How do you know I don't?" He questioned. I stopped squirming and looked shocked. Does he? That would explain a lot... he gently pulled me closer until I was against his chest.
"I was kidding, Addison." Was he really??? "You and I are just friends and that was a joke. It's not like I lay in bed every night and wish you were lying in my arms. Or that I wish I was kissing your beautiful, luscious pink lips. Or I wish me taking care of you could become a permanent thing...... no. We're just friends. I like you as I friend." I was not convinced.
"Ok... if you say so..."
"We're getting off topic. The point is you can't go see Zed. Whether he misses you or not he doesn't deserve you and he doesn't deserve another chance." He gently put me down.
"But him and I never officially broke up."
"I don't care. It's not his job to take care of and protect you anymore. It's mine. And when it was his turn he did a terrible job so now I'm gonna show you how he should have treated you." I noticed Willa and Wynter staring at us so I looked down. Wyatt lightly placed two fingers on my chin and gently lifted it so I was looking up at him. "Can I get a thank you or an ok? Just some kind of acknowledgment that you understand?" I nodded slightly.
"Thank you, Wyatt. I understand."
"Good girl." He smiles slightly then hugged me and kissed the top of my head. Then we went to class.
Later at lunch I went to my normal seat and sat across from Bree, Eliza and Bonzo. Willa, Wynter and Wyatt were over at their normal table with the rest of the pack. Wyatt noticed me and motioned for me to come over. I got up and looked at my friends.
"Sorry. I have to go." Bree frowned slightly and as I got closer to their table I noticed there wasn't a spot for me. I came up behind Wyatt and whispered.
"I'm just gonna go sit with my other friends."
"No. Sit down."
"Where?" He patted his knee. I hesitated then sat down. We smiled at each other a bit.
"How are you feeling?" Willa asked.
"Fine. A bit tired and sad still."
"Why sad?" I pointed at Aceys then looked at them. They waved and gave me a mocking grin. I assumed they didn't know why I wasn't cheer captain at the moment because if they did they would probably feel a bit bad. I sighed and Wyatt tried to change the topic.
"You should ask your parents if you can come over to the den after school. We could all hang out and have some fun."
"Ok." I pulled out my phone and called my dad.
"Hey dad. Can I go over to a friends house after school?"
"Absolutely not! You have to be resting whenever you can."
"I can rest there." He was silent for a moment.
"Who is the friend and where will you be?"
"I'll be at the wolf den with Wynter, Willa and Wyatt."
"I don't trust that kid. He seems like trouble."
"He's not though. Please can I go?"
"I would say yes if Wyatt wasn't there..."
"Dad. Please? Wyatt is my friend." He was silent again then he sighed.
"Yay! Thanks. Love you, dad."
"Love you too, sweetheart." We both hung up.
"I can go."
"We need to head to class soon." Willa said as half the pack got up. Wyatt nodded before looking at me again.
"Anything else you need before class? Are you tired, cold, thirsty?"
"I'm a bit cold." I admitted. Instantly he took off his jacket and put it around me. Under he was wearing a black t-shirt that had short sleeves that showed off his muscular arms.
"Of course." I hugged him quickly then went to class. After school I went and sat on the bench near the flagpole. I was still wrapped up in his jacket and I sat there, waiting for them. 5 minutes later they came out and Wynter took my hand.
"Let's go." She smiled and I got up. We all walked through the woods then got to the wolf den and went in.
"Welcome back!" Wynter said with lots of excitement.
"What are we gonna do first?" I asked.
"What would you like to do?" Willa responded.
"Anything really..."
"Do you wanna watch something on my phone while we talk?" Wyatt suggested.
"Sure!" He took my hand and led me over to a giant beanbag. He laid down and I laid down next to him. He pulled out his phone and put his arm around me so I was leaning back on his chest a bit.
"Do you want to watch a romance, comedy, horror, etc.?" I shrugged slightly.
"I've never watched a horror movie before."
"Alright well if you get too scared let me know." I nodded slightly as he put one on his phone. For the first 10 minutes nothing scary happened but when something finally did I jumped slightly and he pulled me closer to comfort me. As we got farther into the movie and it got scarier I had a few moments where I tried not to scream, cry, etc. I think Wyatt noticed because he turned it off and put his phone down.
"I think that's enough of that." I was shaking slightly. I turned around so I was facing him and he gently pulled me up a bit so I was laying on his chest with my arms wrapped around him and my head on his shoulder. He stroked my hair with one hand and rubbed my back with the other. Suddenly I saw Willa crouch down next to the beanbag.
"Addison? Are you ok?" She asked as I continued to tremble a bit.
"We watched half of a horror movie but didn't finish it because she got really scared." Wyatt said.
"Oh... well that probably was not a good idea to do that since it was one of the first things she's done since she woke up from a two month coma." Wyatt rolled his eyes and she walked away.

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