Part 15

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I ran until I got to the wolf den and I went in. Willa was the first one to see me and she looked really concerned.
"Wynter! Go get Wyatt." Willa said before she ran over to me.
"Addison... what's wrong?" I was sobbing and breathing really heavy. I was light headed and my head felt hot. Wyatt ran over to us and looked worried.
"Addison! What's going on?! Is she ok?!" I was too worked up to say anything. Wyatt quickly grabbed me and picked me up. Wynter ran over with a chair and put it behind him. He said down and put me on his laps so I was facing him and wrapped his arms around me. He looked really concerned. Then I passed out on him.
I woke up a few minutes later and lifted my head off of Wyatt's shoulder. Wyatt hadn't moved from where he was but now he was stroking my hair. Willa and Wynter still stood there.
"I'm sorry..."
"For what? You did nothing wrong." He carefully got up and held me. I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"I scared you guys."
"But we're glad you came. If you hadn't you could've gotten hurt and we wouldn't have been able to calm you down." Willa said and I nodded slightly.
"So do you know what just happened?" Wynter asked looking worried still.
"Mhmm. I had a panic attack. For the second time today."
"...What? Is that normal? Has it happened before today???" I shook my head.
"Well what caused you to panic???" Wyatt asked as he gently put me down. I teared up again.
"A few things..."
"Please don't cry again. We hate seeing you sad. if your not ready to talk about it we won't make you. But if you are we'll listen and try to help."
"O-Ok..." The three of them sat down on the floor and Wyatt gently pulled me down on his lap. "So first of all my parents got really mad and yelled at me for coming home so late. Then they took away my phone and grounded me. They didn't let me come to school today and my dad told me he hates you and doesn't want me to hang out with you anymore. I may have let it slip that I'm in love with you and he told me i have to pretend like you don't exist and we can never be together." Wyatt frowned and wrapped his arms around me and held me like  he thought that if he let go I would disappear. "Then he took your jacket from me... I'm so sorry. I tried to get it back but he wouldn't give me it."
"Do you seriously think I'm upset about not getting a jacket I gave you back? Because I really hope not. It's one jacket and I would give you all of my jackets if you wanted them." I kissed his cheek.
"Your sweet. Anyways... after that my dad and i got in a fight and yelled at each other until we noticed my mom yelling at someone as well. We went to see who it was and it turned out that Zed was there and his Z-Band is fixed so they let him out of containment. He kept trying to apologize to me but soon him and my dad started arguing." They looked mad.
"I can't believe he had the nerve to come see you after what he did! I'm gonna kill him when I get the chance!" Wyatt raised his voice a bit.
"Don't. It's a waste of time." He sighed then I continued. "He eventually grabbed me and tried to make me give him another chance by kissing me. I don't know if he was hoping it would make me love him again or what he was thinking." Wyatt looked even more mad.
"Well what did you do? Did you kiss back?"
"No. I pulled away then told him there was someone else and then I broke up with up." Wyatt grinned. "Him and my dad kept fighting so I started to panic before I ran away... and now I'm here." Willa and Wynter looked shocked and Wyatt looked happy.
"Yeah..." I sighed. Wyatt stroked my hair a bit and kissed my forehead.
"Your dad can't keeps us apart. Just because he doesn't like me doesn't mean I'm bad for you. Do you think I am?"
"Good." He was still smiling.
"Why do you seem happy? I just had a panic attack and ran away from home..."
"Yeah... but you're finally all mine." I nodded slightly.
"Does that mean we can officially be a couple and date?"
"Yes, Wyatt."
"YAY!!!" I laughed a bit.
"I'm gonna he the best boyfriend I can be and I'll protect and take care of you always. I just want to make you happy and feel loved."
"Awww! I blushed a bit. He kissed me passionately and Willa and Wynter looked away. After a minute we stopped making out.
"So... what now? When are you going home?" Willa asked.
"Never?" She looked shocked and I shook my head.
"Well surely you'll start missing them at some point and start wanting to go home..."
"Well until then I'm gonna ask Bucky if I can stay with him."
"Stay with us!" Wynter suggested and looked excited.
"I couldn't."
"Of course you could. You could stay in my room with me." Wyatt smiled.
"You're always welcome here, Addison. If you want to stay please do. We would love to have you stay with us." Willa smiled and got up. I hesitated for a minute.
"Ok. I'll stay."
"Yay!" Wyatt hugged me tightly.
Suddenly someone unexpected walked into the den and everyone looked shocked. Every wolf froze and stopped what they were doing to stare.

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