Part 10

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The doctor cleared his throat and we all looked at him.

"I'm afraid that before you go home I have some bad news to tell you..." I got worried. "Because of the head trauma that you have experienced you will not be able to cheer." I was shocked

"What?!?! For how long?!"

"Probably close to 6 months."

"No way! I have to cheer! I'm captain of the cheer squad!"

"Addison. Your first priority need to be getting better. I'll have the aceys be captain until you're able to cheer again. Then you can be cheer captain again." Bucky said as I teared up.

"It'll be ok, Addie. You can find something else your good at to do." Added Bree.

"I can't! There is nothing else! Cheer is my life!" I started to cry a bit. No one did anything since they knew they couldn't convince me my life isn't over. I carefully got up. My knees were a bit shaky and my whole body felt weak. Wyatt and Eliza both could tell i was probably gonna collapse at any moment now so they each put an arm around me to help me stay up. We started to leave. We got out to the car and they carefully helped me in.

"So we'll see you tomorrow at school?" Willa asked.

"Hopefully..." I responded as I looked down. Wyatt gently put his hands on my cheek and wiped my tears away with his thumbs. I noticed my dad glaring and Wyatt noticed me notice him. He stopped after a moment and turned around.

"Sir? Do you you have a problem with me taking care of your daughter and trying to make her feel better?"

"Yeah. Kinda."

"And why is that?" Wyatt questioned.

"I don't like how your touching her."

"You mean like this?" He put his hands on my waist and pulled me closer so I was on the edge of my seat. Then he gently put one hand on my cheek to bring my face closer to his so he could kiss my forehead before turning back to my dad who looked furious.

"Keep your filthy hands off of her."

"Addison and I are just friends. You don't have to worry about anything happening."

"I still don't trust you."

"Ok." He didn't really seem to care. Wyatt hugged me then smiled slightly. I still was crying a little from what the doctor had told me but I tried to smile back a bit. He closed the car door and my parents got in, then we drove home. For the rest of the night my parents just made me lay in bed and do nothing but rest. It was really boring. i eventually got so bored that i decided to just go to sleep.

The next morning my alarm clock went off and i woke up at a regular time during a school day. I got up and started getting ready, doing my best to ignore the pounding headache i had since i knew that if i let my parents knew i had one they wouldn't let me go to school. I put on a cute, baby blue hoodie and my ripped jeans. Then i did my white hair in two dutch braids and went downstairs. My mom kissed my forehead when she came out of her room.

"How are you feeling this morning?"

"I'm good."

"That's great to hear. Your father said he'll be ready to drive you to school in 15 minutes."

"Alright." I ate my breakfast then put my shoes on and grabbed my school bag. My dad and I left and I got to school.

"Be careful today, Addison."

"I will be." I got out then went in. Everyone stared at me as I walked down the hall. Probably because I hadn't been at school for two months. As I was walking someone came up behind me and tapped my shoulder. I stopped and turned around to see Wynter.

"We're so glad you came! How are you feeling? Do you feel tired? Are you still sad about the cheer team? Have you noticed that everyone is staring at you? Are you looking forward to having Wyatt take care of you?" She asked as she hugged me.

"Ok, Wynter. Calm down. We can't overwhelm Addison with too many questions. I get your excited to see her though so just take a deep breath." Wyatt said as he came up behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder as if telling her to let go. Wyatt hugged me after and gently laid his head in my shoulder.

"There aren't enough words for me to tell you how happy I am that you are here and I'm having a real conversation with you."

"Wyatt probably was the one who missed you most of all other than Zed. He came to the hospital and would talk to you and hold your hand literally every single day." Wynter said. I could tell Wyatt was blushing even though I couldn't really see his face.

"Aww. That's so sweet. Just so you know I could hear everything you said and I was listening."

"Really?" He asked.

"Mhmm." It took me a moment to realize what Wynter had just said. She said that he missed me the most other than Zed. "Wait... Wynter... did you say Zed misses me?"

"Yeah. After you fell unconscious from Zed slamming you into the lockers I heard the noise and ran over to Willa and Wyatt. Then they called Zombie patrol and before they took Zed away they figured out that there was something wrong with his Z-Band. Something cased some kind of glitch and one of the wires inside got messed up and made it so Zed was having these thoughts even though he doesn't have a brain. Clearly the thoughts were really violent and caused by jealously. So after they figured that out they fixed it and he started sobbing and yelling Addison! I must talk to Addison! As they dragged him out of the school and threw him into the white van that took him away." Wynter told me as I stood silent and in shock. Wyatt let go of me and him and Willa were silent as well. After a minute of silence he spoke.

"Willa. Please hold Addison for a moment." She nodded then grabbed my wrists. I gasped and tried to pull them away but she wouldn't let me. Wyatt pulled Wynter away from us, looking furious.
"WYNTER!!!" He yelled.
"Yes?" She looked sweet and innocent.
"You were not supposed to tell her. Willa, you and I were the only people who knew about that part and we agreed we weren't gonna tell her!!!"
"EVER!!!" She whimpered because he was yelling so loud and looked so mad. He came back over to me and grabbed my hands as Willa let go.
"You have to forget everything Wynter just told you."
"How can I?! I can't believe you were gonna keep it secret that my own boyfriend wouldn't have hurt me if he could control himself!!! I love Zed and I thought he was becoming an abusive jerk but really that wasn't the real him!!!" I looked the maddest and saddest Wyatt has ever seen me as I yanked my hands away from him and started crying hard with an angry look on my face.

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