Outside Corona Walls

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I finish choosing the dresses for my castle maids, choosing the prettiest ones I see on the table. They're so beautiful, the dark blue and purple trim will fit perfectly with the colors of Corona. I hear someone tap on my door, and I turn in my chair.

"Come in!"

I see my door handle jiggle, and then my door slowly open. Standing there is Eugene, a huge grin plastered on his face.

"What's that smile for?" I ask, getting up from my chair and going over to him.

He clasps my hands, still grinning. "We get to explore!"

I smile bigger than his reaches my face, and I start squealing and jumping up and down.

"Well let's go then what are you waiting for!" I pull him down the castle hallway, running as fast as I can.

I've been waiting FOREVER to escape the walls of the castle and my princess (soon to be queen) duties and go to the pasture outside the walls! Today, we finally get to explore outside the walls of Corona.

We finally make it out of the castle, and I let go of his hand so he can run next to me. We go to the stables to get our horses.

"Ready Max?" Eugene hops on Maximus and I get on Fidella.

"Ya!" Eugene and I shout to our horses, and they start running through Corona. They make it past the townspeople, and we go faster and faster as we make it to the Corona walls.

We pull the horses to a stop and get off of them.

"How are we supposed to get up there?" I ask Eugene, and he gives me a smirk.

"Leave it to me." He cracks his knuckles and prepares for something I probably should be scared for. "Ok Maximus. You ready?"

Max gives him a look as Eugene climbs on him and stands up. I try not to laugh as he tries to balance.

"OK, you, Maximus, shall blast me to the top of the wall!" Max sighs and I see Eugene getting his stance.

"This is never going to work!" I yell to Eugene, and he shoots me a look.

"Don't ruin my concentration! Alright, 1...2..." before he counts to three, Max is already shooting him to the top of the wall.

"GAHHHH!" He lands with a thump on top of the wall. I roll my eyes and hop off of Fidella.

"See, Raps? I told you it'd work." I roll my eyes and giggle, and Eugene grins and gets on his stomach.

"Take my hand and I'll hoist you up." Eugene holds out his hand and I take it.

He pulls me to the top of the wall, and I gasp as I look out at the streams and trees. The hills and rocks we could climb.

"We get to explore it all," I whisper, still taking in all of the beauty in the land.

He takes my hand, and I smile at him. He leans in, and out lips touch. He strokes my cheek, and his touch still makes me smile.

We pull apart, but I'm still gazing into his eyes. My eyes wander from his eyes to the land before us.

"Well, what're we waiting for?!" He yells, hopping off of the wall and into a bunch of flowers.

"Eugene!" I exclaim, hopping in after him.

We laugh and, holding hands, run through the land. We yell and jump around like monkeys, and all of this time I'm thinking of painting the lands.

I grab his hand and run up the hills. We sip from the waters of every waterfall, and we tread in the stream. I smile at the fish, making funny faces. I might have pushed Eugene in the water, and he pulls me in after him.

We cool off and watch the sunset, the beautiful orange, reds, and yellows shining bright against my eyes. The pretty colors match the trees, and the water sticks out. Everything is so beautiful; I wish we didn't have to leave.

"Well, princess." Eugene looks at me guilty, and I sigh and stand up.

"I guess we should," I sigh, reading his mind.

As we ride our horses back to the kingdom, I think about the land. I definitely wish to go back.

Hey guys! Sorry this one was shorter then usual, there wasn't much else to say. Stay tuned for the next chapter!
-Peace ✌️

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