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We walk slowly through the kingdom, Kristoff, Elsa, and I telling Rapunzel and Eugene all about our crazy adventures. They both look pretty interested-thank goodness-and I'm really having a fun time telling someone about all of this. Besides the time Olaf very poorly told Lieutenant Mattias about our adventure, no one besides us really know. It feels good to have family members, too. After so many years of not having close family besides Elsa and Kristoff, it feels good to have another woman by your side. I wish they could stay forever.

Rapunzel and Eugene erupt in laughter, doubling over. "Wait so." Rapunzel rubs a tear out of her eye. "You mean to tell me, your little snowman friend, Olaf is it? Told the whole story to ALL of the fighters in the Enchanted Forest?"

I nod and Elsa and I give each other a look. They start laughing even HARDER, which I didn't even think was possible. Rapunzel grabs Eugene's hand to keep from falling over in laughter.

"Yeah, it was um...interesting," I comment, laughing nervously.

"OK, OK we're done," Rapunzel rasps through hiccups of laughter.

I go on telling them the rest of the story, and eventually we make it back to the castle. It's about noon now, so we decide to go out to eat.

"Do you guys have any good restaurants? I'm FAMISHED," Eugene says, patting his stomach.

Kristoff grins. "Finally, someone who speaks my language!"

They do a weird high five thing, and Elsa, Rapunzel, and I all roll our eyes.

"Well, I CAN actually think of one real good cafe," Elsa suggests, turning towards me and grinning.

I gasp and cover my mouth with my hands.

"You don't mean..." I whisper, a smile spreading across my face. Elsa grins and nods.

"What!? WHAT?!" Rapunzel yells, hands on her hips.

They look to Kristoff and he shrugs. "I don't even know what they're talking about!"

I smile and pat him on the back. "Oh Kristoff, you will."

He warily gives me a look. Soon, they'll all know what I'm talking about. (not meant in a creepy way 😂)


I lead them to an area with bicycles, and we each grab one. We hop on them and ride to the cafe. Elsa and I are in front-since we know where the actual place is. The summer wind feels good on my skin, and again I'm so thankful for Gale.

"We're almost there!" I shout over the loud wind, and Elsa winks at me. I grin at her.

I squint ahead of me and see the name of the cafe sprawled in big letters. Oaken's Cafe. Can you believe he made a cafe too?!

We park our bikes just outside the restaurant and I jog inside in front of all of them. Before I can make it in, I feel someone pull my sleeve. I whip around and see Kristoff smirking at me.

"Sweet, I think you have to wait for the rest of them." He gestures to the rest of them, who are still getting off and pulling up their bikes.

I smile awkwardly, watching for them to get out. Once they catch up to us, I giggle nervously.

"Sorry 'bout that guys. I tend to get ahead of myself." Kristoff chuckles at me.

Rapunzel giggles. "We noticed."

We go on inside and find a table that fits all of us. Kristoff scoots his chair a little closer to me, and Rapunzel moves her chair closer to Eugene's. I feel kind of bad for Elsa, but she doesn't seem to mind.

"So, what's good here?" Rapunzel asks as a waiter brings us menus.

Elsa and I grin at each other. "The potatoes."

Rapunzel retracts back and gives us a look. Eugene let's out a laugh, instantly covering his mouth.

"Say what," Rapunzel blurts.

Elsa and I look at each other; trying not to burst out laughing. "Um, when we were little, our parents would bring us here for our birthdays. We would always get the fried potatoes and beef," I say.

Oh, the memories. I remember when Elsa used to throw her fried potatoes at me, and mom would try not to smile and say now Elsa, that's not very lady like. It was so fun, and I'm glad I get to share this memory with other people.

"So, how come Oaken owns it? He couldn't have owned it when you were little," Kristoff asks, glancing down at his menu.

"It used to be called Alf's place, until Oaken bought it from him," I say, looking down at my menu as well.

I put my menu down, forgetting I don't even need it.

"You know what? I think i'll get that too," Kristoff states, putting down his menu too.

"Yeah, OK me too," Rapunzel agrees. Eugene nods and puts down his menu.

"So, this is easy! We're all getting the same thing!" Elsa laughs, and I smile at her.

After we order, we all begin talking again. Eugene and Rapunzel tell us about their adventures, and about how Eugene almost DIED. Wow, who knew. Apparently Rapunzel was also trapped in a tower for 18 years, and I told her I was kind of similar, since I wasn't aloud to leave the castle gates for a long time.

"You know guys, I haven't had this much fun in a long time," Rapunzel whispers, and I smile and take her hand.

"I'm really glad you came," I whisper back, and she smiles.

"Me too."

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't wrote for a while, I've kind of been working on my other story. Go check it out if you haven't!

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