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Hey-O guys! I'd just like a moment to thank you all for reading my story so far! You guys have been amazing and so kind to me and the story. We're rated #3 in Kristanna, #452 in frozen, and #248 in Tangled. I have no one else to thank but you guys! (And Wattpad of course)
Love ya'll!



I carefully take Anna's hands and lead her to the dance floor; which will be open to everyone in about 10 minutes. I want to dance with her before everyone comes rushing in, so I pull her against my body.

I whisper in her ear, "You're so beautiful."

She smiles. "Ripped dress and all?"

"Ripped dress and all."

We slow dance for a few more minutes, when out of the corner of my eye I see Elsa looking nervously at the line behind her. I sigh, release Anna, grab her hand, and walk over to Elsa, Rapunzel, and Eugene.

I smile at Elsa. "You can let them in."

Her face relaxes, and she moves her hand so the people can get in. Anna and I move to the side so we can great everyone as they enter. Some people I recognize, like Ryder, but others I don't. A lot I don't actually. Sometimes I wonder if they're actually part of our kingdom.

"Do you know any of these people?" I whisper to Anna.

She plasters a smile on her face and leans into me. "Nope. But, I do visit a lot of people a day."

I shrug and keep greeting them. Once the majority is in, we leave the doors to go find some food.


I sigh and lean against Eugene's shoulder, smiling as he puts a protective arm around me. He leans down and kisses my head softly. We observe the amazing reception. Like how Anna can smile at everyone, and how Kristoff has a silly face and balloon for all of the kids. They'll make wonderful parents one day.

"They'll make great parents," I whisper to Eugene, saying my thoughts outloud.

I look up and see him smiling. "Yes, but I know one who would be better."

I smirk and kiss his nose. The first song comes on, and I grab Eugene's hands, pulling him to the dance floor.

"C'mon wimp! Let's dance!" I grin as I try and pull him.

He eventually gives in and wraps his arms around my waist to dance. I laugh and put my arms on top of his shoulders as he swings us around. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Kristoff and Anna doing the same thing. Anna and I's eyes meet, and she smiles and kisses Kristoff. I flash her a thumbs up, and then go back to my man.


I look out to the dance floor at all the people who I used to be queen of. It's like this amazing weight has been lifted off of me, and I know now how to communicate with people more than I ever did as a queen. Even so, sometimes I am pretty lonely. Especially looking at everyone having someone to dance with, yet myself not having anyone. But, I'm an independent woman. I don't need a man.

Just as I'm thinking that, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I whip around to see a a blue sweatshirt, with brown pants ripped at the bottom. His hair is as white as mine, and he has a staff in hand. I retract back a little, but when I see the smirk on his face I roll my eyes and cross my arms.

"Yes? And who might you be?" I ask.

She smirks more, tossing his staff between his hands. "Just been observing you-"

"That's not creep at all," I interupt.

He gives me a look. "-and I was wondering if you wanted to dance with me."

I take back a little, my eyes widening. "Wha-" I return to my formal stance.

"I at least want to know your name."

He smirks. "Jack. Jack Frost."

He takes my hands, pulling me onto the dance floor. Pulling me into him, I hold my breath.

"Relax, It'll be fine," he whispers, swaying a little.

"It's just that..." I dart my eyes down. "I've never danced with anyone before."

He puts on a fake surprise face. "No!"

He smiles, swaying me more. Eventually, I relax into his arms. Sparks of ice flicker between us, and I give him a confused look. He returns me with the same look.

"What?" He asks.

I shake my head. "N-nothing."

He shrugs and turns a little, dipping me. I snort, and so does he.

He pulls me up towards him, a grin on his face. "You snort too?!"

I giggle. "Maybe."

I hear someone call his name from the door, and he cusses underneath his breath.

"I uh, I gotta go. I'm sorry...I'm sorry. I have to go. I WILL see you again."

And with that, he lets go of my hands and disappears around the castle.

I look to Anna, whose looking at me strangely. She gestures to me, looking at Kristoff. He nods and she comes running over to me.

"Who was THAT?!" She asks.

I shrug. "I honestly clue."

She raises her eyebrows. "You don't KNOW?! There were LITERALLY sparks flying. No joke!"

I laugh a little. "He danced with me and then said he had to he left. I don't know at all what that was."

Anna smiles, and then wiggles her eyebrows at me. I slap her a little, trying not to smile.

Kristoff comes over to us and droops an arm around Anna. "What's going on?"

Anna smiles. "Elsa's got a booooyfriend."

I gasp and slap her. "I do not!"

She grins. "I think you do."


"Do too."

I'm about to say something, but Kristoff interrupts us.

"Alright ladies, ladies. I think it's time for cake anyways."

Anna gasps and nods her head multiple times. Kristoff grins and grabs her hand, leading her over to the cake. I smile and follow them.

I take a glass and spoon, tapping them together. "Alright everyone, calm down."

The place goes silent and everyone looks over to us. I step away from them and gesture for Anna to talk.

"We're going to be cutting the cake, but first,"

She takes out a smaller wedding cake next to the bigger one. Kristoff grins at her, takes a handful of cake, and smooshes it in her face.

Anna gasps, laughs, and does the same. Eventually, everyone starts laughing and even with the cake on their hands, Anna and Kristoff serve the cake to everyone. No body seems to mind, I mean who wouldn't, it's cake.

The rest of the night goes pretty smoothly, dancing, more food, and toasts fill the night. Eventually, 12 A.M hits and everyone starts to leave, so I go over to resting Anna and Kristoff to say goodbye.

"Goodnight sis, love you," I whisper, bending down and kissing her head.

Her eyes insantly pops open, and she bolts up, which makes Kristoff awake. He smiles softly, waves at me a little, and closes his eyes.

"You're leaving?!" She screams.

I laugh. "Anna, you were almost sleeping and everyone else is leaving too. I promise I'll visit soon, I gotta go."

She sighs and pulls me into a hug. "I love you, Elsa."

I smile and hug her tight. "I love you too."

She finally let's me go, and I shyly wave at her before I turn around and exit the castle.

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