The Letter

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  My eyes flutter open, a smile spreading across my face as I remember yesterday. I slowly sit up and stretch, a warm feeling filling my body. I glance next to me to see Eugene still sleeping.

"Eugene?" I whisper, tapping his arm. "Come on sleepy head."

I lean down and lightly kiss his cheek. I see a smile creeps onto his face, and I giggle.

"OK, I'm up," he grumbles, smiling and rolling over to face me.

I pull the covers behind me and get out of my bed. I put my feet through my slippers and walk over to my closet. I open the closet and search high and low for a dress to wear. There are so many options, and I decide I don't want my basic purple one. Instead I pull out a long yellow dress, with a piece that connects at the neck. It's one of the most beautiful dresses, but I've never really wore it before.

I feel Eugene's warm hand on my cool arm, and I lean against him.

"Mornin' cupcake." He yawns, kissing my head and making his way over to his closet.

After we get dress we head down the stairs for breakfast. Today the chefs are serving fresh eggs and oatmeal. I used to not like the idea of there being maids and such, but I've gotten used to it by now.

As we sit at the table, one of the guards bring over our mail.

"Thank you!" I chime, and he solemnly nods and marches off.

As I'm going through the mail, I spot something strange in the pile. It's an envelope, and it says it's from the kingdom of Arendelle. I've never heard such kingdom before, but I'm eager to open it. I start ripping open the envelope, getting more anxious by the second to see what awaits me inside.

When I finally get it open, a folded note is inside. I prop it open and read the letter.

Dear queen and princess of Corona,

I am your cousin, Anna! As it turns out, just the other day I found out about you guys down in Corona! Pretty cool, right?

Any who, I wanted you guys to come down to my fiance and I's wedding! We can catch up and talk with each other! You may bring a plus one if you'd like, thanks so much! Can't wait!

Sincerely, Anna

I skim the letter again; one, two, three times over. My eyes get wider every time I read it again. I gulp a little and snap my fingers at Eugene.

"Hm?" He asks, looking up at me from his oatmeal.

"Just...l-look." I push the letter in front of him and he looks over it.

His eyes widen and he practically chokes on his oatmeal.

"No way! You have a cousin!" I nod, my eyes still wide in surprise.

He hands me back the letter, his eyes about as wide as mine.

"You want to go?" He asks me, and i shrug a little.

"Of course I want to go but...well...did you ever think my mother moved away for a reason?" I ask him nervously.

"Maybe. Want to ask her after breakfast?"

I shake my head and get up.

"I'm not hungry." I start speed walking towards my mother's room, and he hops up behind me.

"And we're going now!" He yells, and I can tell from his footsteps he's trying to keep up with me.

I zoom through the hallway, Eugene closely following. We eventually make it to my mother's room; where I find her writing something at her desk.

"Mother!" I exclaim cheerfully, walking over and kissing her head.

"Uh, so, I got a letter..." I clear my throat as he turns around. "From...Arendelle. Do you happen to have a sister there?"

He eyes go wide, and for a second I think I see fear. Then, her eyes go dark.

"Give me the letter, Rapunzel."

I hand it to her, and she snatches it out of my hands. She's never been like this before, and I'm starting to get worried.

"Come." She gestures for Eugene and me to follow her, and we do.

We follow her to a small closet with cleaning supplies in it. She enters the closet, and after Eugene and I glance at each other, we walk inside after her.

"Now, you two may never speak of Arendelle after this-do you understand?" She clears her throat and sighs. "It was a long time ago, my sister and I were young. We lived among The Enchanted Forest; we were free. Out people began to make a pact with the Arendellians, and we were all excited. They treated us so nicely. Then, we got into a fight. I hid underneath a tree as I watched my parents be killed. Out of the corner of my eye I saw my sister save an Arendellian! After the war was over, I quickly moved away. I moved here and found your father, and we married. I eventually found out about my mother marrying the king of Arendelle, and then about her daughters. Then her tragic death. All I'm saying is, that place is highly dangerous! You must never speak of this letter, ever again."

Once my mother finishes her story, she quickly gets out of the closet. Eugene is about to leave, but I grab his arm and pull him back in. My mouth is agape, and my eyes are somewhat tearful.

"We're going." I whisper, and Eugene's eyes go wide.

"What?! Are you crazy?" I nod.

"Yes, yes I am." He shakes his head.

"Rapunzel you can't. The queen said-"

I cut him off. "Please, Eugene. I want so badly to find out what my cousins are like!"

He's silent for a while, and I lean my head on his shoulder.

"Please come with me," I murmur.

"Alright...fine. But just so you know if I get in trouble, it's not my idea."

I smile and kiss his cheek.

"Thank you thank you thank you!!!"

We exit the closet, and run strait to our room. We begin to pack, but all that's on my mind is "I'm so ready for this".

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