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I sit anxiously at the table in the dining hall, twiddling my thumbs and glancing at the clock. I know they probably won't come before the wedding, but I keep telling myself they will. I again glance at the clock, when I feel strong hands upon my shoulders.

"Hey feisty pants." I instantly know it's Kristoff.

"H-hey Kristoff." My nervous tone makes my voice skyrocket. Oops. Now Kristoff definitely knows what's going on.

"Calm down, princess. I'm sure it'll be fine! Even if they don't come soon, it's OK because it'll probably take at least a day to get here. I promise it'll be fine." His words sooth me, and even though I'm still a little anxious, I feel better.

"Thanks Kristoff." I get up and wrap my arms around his waist.

I feel him kiss my head, and I bury my head in his chest. His arms hold me tight, and his familiar smell calms me. The smell of wood, farming, and a small but of reindeer. I love it.

"Do you think they'll come?" I ask Kristoff.

"How could they not?" He states, and I grin wide at him.


I begin to pack, quickly loading my things into luggage. I glance at Eugene to see him doing the same thing, but messier. I smile and skip over to him.

"Oh, Eugene. Let me help you." He smiles and kisses my nose lightly.

"I knew you couldn't stand this mess I was making."

I roll my eyes, but my mouth is turned upwards. I dump out everything from his bag, and he scoffs.

"Well. There goes all MY hard work," he states matter-of-factually.

I sort out all of the clothes and fold them neatly. I place them in the luggage, and then do the same with my own.

"OK, ready to do this?" I ask Eugene, and he gives me a big smile.

"Yeah, let's do this thing!" He yells, and I lean forward and put my finger to his lips.

"Shh! Do you want to get us caught?!" I ask, a smile forming on Eugene's lips under my finger.

"Sorry," he whispers with a giggle. I try not to smile as he places his hand on mine and lowers it.

We grab our bags and he pops his head out of the door before we can leave the room.

"Okay! Coast is clear!" He whisper-yells, and I smile and shake my head.

We make our way out through the hallway, crouching low. We eventually make it our of the castle and past the guards. I grab his hand and we run to the boats, giggling all the way.

Once we get to the boats, the man at the entrance instantly recognizes me and let's me in.

"Fancy seeing you here, ma'dam," the man says, bowing a little and giving Eugene a once over.

"She's to attend. Thanks, we'll be on our way." Eugene pushes me upwards into the ship,  and I try not to glance back at the man.

"Even though I'm the princesses husband, and future king, that man still gives me once over's. Henry Mackland. I once stole an apple from his boat, and he's never overlooked it." As Eugene whispers that in my ear, a nervous feeling creeps in my stomach. I hope he's not the captain.

We climb aboard the deck, and we hear someone announce the boat will be leaving very soon. I look out onto the ocean and wonder what it will be like once we get moving. How high will the tide be? What kind of fish live among the coral reefs?

The boat begins to rock, and I know that we're about to head off into the seas. I'm a little scared, and I think Eugene can tell. He slips his hand through mine, and I put my head on his shoulder.

"It's going to be OK, I promise," he softly says. And in that moment, I really do believe him.

Ah! I'm sorry (again) for making these latest chapters so short! But I promise there are long ones coming soon! Thanks for reading!
-Peace ✌️

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