The Arrival

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One Day Later

I hear a soft knock come from my door. At least I think it's a knock; I'm so tired I can't tell. You know, no matter how many times I tell people not to knock on my door before I'm awake, people still do it all of the time.

"Hello?" I grumble, trying to force my eyes open.

"Uh, your majesty? A boat from Corona has arrived." Kai's voice is polite as always.

"Corona? What's tha-" I gasp, suddenly wide awake. "Corona! Thank you Kai!"

I hop out of bed, sliding to my closet. I throw on a dark purple dress, barely making an effort to put up my hair. I end up just wearing it in a pony tail on top of my head. I hardly remember to put on shoes, but I do slip them on. I run to the room next to mine and throw open the door, to find Kristoff snoring.

"Kristoff!" I yell, running and jumping on his bed. I bounce on his bed, jumping up and down. When his eyes are still closed, I groan and fall face first next to him. I peak over his head, and I can tell he's trying not to smile. "Hey! You are awake!"

Kristoff's eyes pop open, and suddenly he's pulling me next to him. I feel his fingers tickle me like feathers, and I start giggling. My giggles turn into laughter and snorts as I try to push him off of me.

"OK, I'm done." Kristoff sighs happily, still giggling a little.

"Great. Now guess what!?" I scream, remembering why I came in here in the first place.

"What?!" He over enthusiastically screams back.

I grin, trying to build suspense. "Drum roll please!"

He rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. "No way."

I cross my arms back. "I'm not saying until you drum roll."

He sighs and starts patting his legs super fast. I smile at him.

"They're hear!" I yell excitedly.

He looks at me with confusion. "Who?"

"My cousins! Come on we have to go get Elsa!" I yank him out of bed, trying my hardest to pull him.

He slowly get's out of bed, and he releases my hand from his arm.

"Slow down feisty pants, I still have to get on my clothes." I blow an annoying hair out of my eyes and cross my arms.

"Fiiiiiine," I wine, huffing as I exit his room.

Finally Kristoff get's done, so we rush out of the castle. I feel a brush of wind against my face, and I know who it is.

"Hello there Gale, will you signal Elsa to come home?" And just as quickly as Gale greeted me, he dashes off to go get Elsa.

In what seems like HOURS, I see Elsa and Nokk riding through the trees. Elsa hops off of her noble steed, and rushes up to greet me.

"They're here?" She asks excitedly. I grin and grab her hand, running up to the docks. Kristoff follows quickly behind.

I stop and gaze at the majestic boat in the water. There are usually boats that come and go near here, but never ones this big. I search high and low for any signs of my cousin. No such luck.


I look around excitedly over the edge of the boat. It's been a long day of traveling, but as the mighty kingdom comes into view; I don't regret a moment of it. I grab Eugene's hand and squeeze it.

"Look how beautiful! I've never seen a kingdom besides mine before." I try and take in all of the beauty at once. The amazing castle at it's center, then connected to it is a forest with acres and acres of land to be explored. It is all quite amazing, though I decide our kingdom's our similar in many ways.

When the ship pulls in, we rush out of the boat and onto the sweet summer land. The air is fresh and crisp, the way the wind feels on my skin somehow enchants me. I earnestly look around, seeing if I can find the princess. Er, I guess queen? I've never seen what she looks like; so I decide to go up to someone and ask for help. The girl looks around my age, probably younger. Her strawberry blonde hair is held up in a pony tale, and she looks like she's looking for someone upon the boat. Next to her is a woman with white-as-snow hair that's let loose and wild. Oh, I almost forgot; there's a man next to her too. He is scratching his neck awkwardly and glancing at the strawberry blonde haired girl. I decide these people look nice enough; so I go up to them.

"Hi, I'm Rapunzel and this is Eugene. We're looking for-" I'm interrupted by a squeal and gasps from all three of them. I glance at Eugene and he shrugs.

"That's her!" I hear one of them whisper to the other, and I smile spreads across all of their faces. I'm still confused. Wait a second...

"Wait. You don't happen to be..." My voice trails off and the strawberry blonde girl can't take it anymore. She jumps into my arms, and I yell in surprise.

"Woah, Anna! Easy." The man peels the girl, who must be Anna, off of me. I giggle and smooth down my dress.

Then, even I can't take it anymore. I laugh and squeal as loud as I can, barreling into both of the girls. Anna squeals with me, why the other one just laughs.

"Welp, there goes my afternoon." Eugene murmurs, and the man chuckles a little.

We pull apart, and I look at both of them intently.

Anna clears her throat. "Right, I forgot to mention this in the letter. Elsa," she gestures to the snow haired girl. "Is my sister. Also your cousin. Also, she has ice powers. Also the fifth spirit. Also that's Kristoff." She points to the man.

My eyes go wide a little, but I can't say I'm surprised. Magic probably runs through the family. Oh, and what's a fifth spirit?

"Sweet! I used to have magic hair that glowed when I sang!" I look at Eugene and he winks at me.

"That's a tad strange," Anna murmurs, and Elsa hits her with the back of her hand.

"Anna! Manners!" I laugh and nod.

"My hair was like, 100 feet long!" I exclaim, and Anna's eyes go wide.

"How did you wash it?!"

I giggle and shrug. "Magic."

Elsa smiles a little and twirls her fingers. She throws her hand up and snowflakes shoot out of the palm of her hand. I gasp and stick out my tongue so one can land in my mouth.

Suddenly, I hear both of the men gasp. We turn towards them to see the two gaping at each other and pointing. I move a little closer to Eugene.

"'re..." Kristoff trails off.

"CARROT FACE!" Eugene yells, and they both lean in and hug each other. I glance at Anna and she shrugs.

"Eugene? What's going on?" I ask him, giving him a confused look.

Still looking at Kristoff and smiling, he replies, "Before Lance and I ran off, he and his sister were MY PEOPLE! We used to get in all sorts of trouble at the orphan edge. We were so close!"

Kristoff smiles sadly at the mention of his sister. I notice Anna move a little closer to him, wrapping her arms around his one.

"Wait! So this must be the fiance!" I yell, jumping up and down. Anna giggles and smiles.

"Yup! We're getting married!" She smiles proudly and shows me her ring. I notice the words, feisty pants engraved on the side and I give her a confused look.

Kristoff and Anna glance at each other, both trying not to laugh.

"It's a nick name he gave me when we were saving the kingdom." Anna says smoothly. My look becomes even more confused.

"That's right! We need to tell you the story! Come come, I shall tell you it all."

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