The Wedding-Part 1

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I wake up to Elsa's soft hands on my shoulders. My eyes flutter open as she begins shaking me.

"Wh-what time is it?" I grumble.

She grins. "Time for you to get ready!"

"Ready? Ready for what?" I ask, still half asleep.

Elsa sighs. "Your wedding!"

I think for a moment. Wedding? OH YEAH! I hop out of my bed as quick as I can, slipping to my closet. I throw myself in there, searching through the closet. My blood drains from my face.

"Elsa?" I ask nervously. "I, I uh, I think we forgot to get a dress."

Elsa's cold hand wraps around my wrist and pulls me out of the closet.

When I face her, her face is calm and smiling. That's...interesting.


She flashes me a grin and pulls on my hand out the hall. We race down the castle, probably making more noise then we're supposed to. As we run, we almost run splat into Kai.

"Settle down ladies! What're you two doing anyway?" Kai says, smiling a little.

Elsa giggles. "Nothing, Kai."

Elsa laughs once more before grabbing my hand and pulling me into a nearby closet.

"What're we doing in here?" I giggle.

The room is dark and musty, but it's quite a big closet. Elsa reaches above us and pulls on what must be a light, because it then blinks on.

"OK Anna, there's a reason I didn't remind you to get a dress." Elsa quickly covers my eyes with her hand.

I sigh and dramatically put my hands on my hips.

"Alright Elsa, what is it?"

She puts her other hand on waist and leads me forward a little.

" look!"

She uncovers my eyes, but they still have to adjust. As soon as they do, I gasp and back up a little. Standing on a mannequin in front of me, is the most beautiful dress I have ever seen in my life. It's a white sleeved dress, but the waist to the breast part is red. Then, there are three red sections leaking from the middle. There's a clear net underneath the top of the dress, with a red jewel on top.

I lean forward and brush my fingers across it, not believing it's real.

"I thought you'd like it. The red will make your hair pop. I got you black shoes for it, and you can wear this gold crown I bought! I even have a matching outfit for Kristoff! Black and red of course."

I turn to her, my eyes tearing up.

"I love it so much...thank you Elsa!" I jump into her, and she laughs and strokes my still-messy hair.

Suddenly, she yanks me off of her and pulls me forward. "Now. Let's get you ready!"


I nervously jog to the room where Eugene and Rapunzel are sleeping. Before I barge in, I remember my manners and knock.

"Uh, Eugene? I need your help."

There are footsteps on the other end, and then Eugene yanks open the door with a grin on his face.

"Ma-man. What's up?" He asks, shutting the door behind him.

"Well, I don't exactly have anyone to help me get ready, and I need your help. Also can you be one of my groomsmen?"

He grins and comes forward for a bro-hug. "I'd be honored."

I smile and he releases me. We start walking down the hallway, and I explain to him the plan.

"So basically, Elsa got me this outfit that's supposed to match Anna's. It's uh...complicated to get on and I need your help. I also haven't decided how to wear my hair, so I need your help with that too."

He nods along. "No offense or anything, but shouldn't your best man do this?"

I sigh. "Yeah, Rider couldn't make it over in time. He had some reindeer to deal with or something."

"Oh. Whose Rider?"

"He's one of my best friend's. I met him while we were trying to save Arendelle and everything."

Eugene laughs. "The first time or the second?"

I snort along with him. "The second."

We go to my room and I collect all of the stuff out of my closet. He looks to the stuff, and then to me with a raised eyebrow. He leans down and picks up what I think is an under shirt...?

"What does this even do?"

I shrug. "Uh, I think it's so I don't expose my chest."

He chuckles and throws it into the pile. We sort out all of the stuff and I start getting dressed. After that, we move to the bathroom so I can brush my teeth.

"So, what about my hair?" I ask through toothpaste.

He thinks for a while. "Well, how does Anna like it?" He leans forward. "That IS her name, right?"

I smile and nod, spitting out the paste. "Well, she once said she liked it just the way it was...but my hair is really messy right now."

He looks up at my hair and cringes. "What if we brush it, but not so it looses it's base. I think that's how it works."

I nod and grab a brush off of the counter. He brushes my hair, then we pat it with our hands. I look to the mirror.

"Yup, that looks good to me."


I pull on my shoe and run to Anna's room. I knock on the door and straighten up.

"Who is it?" A voice calls.

"Its Rapunzel!"

"Come in!"

I twist the knob and enter the room. Anna is sitting in her desk while Elsa is doing her hair.

"So, where are you having the wedding?" I ask.

Anna and Elsa exchange smiling glances. "Well..." Anna begins.

"On the first trip to saving Arendelle, we ran into Kristoff's troll family. Kristoff and I decided we wanted to have the wedding where they live, so they could all attend and we could be where he grew up. That's why we're getting ready here."

I smile softly. "That's so sweet!"

Anna blushes. "Thank you, I think so."

Anna turns around in her chair so Elsa can do her makeup. I move to the bed and sit lightly on it. Elsa glances at me and smiles.

"You look beautiful today, Rapunzel."

I blush and look down to my outfit. I'm wearing a dark blue dress with jewels down the sides, with a blue jewel headband. "Thank you."

"That reminds me!" Anna clears her throat. "Rapunzel of Corona, will you be a bridesmaid for my wedding?"

A grin crosses my face. "Yes!" I squeal, getting up and jumping around.

"I would hug you but-" Anna gestures to her makeup.

I laugh and pull up a chair to her desk. "Who are your other bridesmaids?"

"Well, Elsa is my maid of honor. Then it's you, Honeymarren, Yelena, and Olive. Olive was a girl in the castle who I grew up with. Since her mother was a maid, she wasn't aloud to play with me. But we've gone to know each other now."

I nod. "What about Kristoff? Whose his groomsmen?"

"His best man is Rider. Then, his groomsmen are Olaf, Sven, Lieutenant Mattias, and I think he's going to ask Eugene."

I smile. Eugene and I've never been a wedding before, besides our own.

"OK, done!" Elsa chimes in excitement.

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