Illumi and Hisoka?!

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The guild rushed outside to see corpses on the floor. Blood was everywhere. Everyone was shocked and terrified. Killua bent down and turned the corpses. His eyes widened as he saw his brother's pins at the back of the corpse.

Killua quickly turned all the other corpses. They all had the pins. "He's here.... Gon, he's here!" Killua exclaimed standing up and turning to Gon. "That's right, Killu. I'm here," a voice came from behind them.

Everyone turned to see a man with long black hair was standing behind them with the similar pins in his hands. Just the look of him made the guild feel the shivers down their spine.

"A-Aniki (B-Big brother)?!" Killua exclaimed. "That's right, Killu. Your aniki (big brother) is here," Illumi said. "Why and how did you get here?!" Killua asked.

"I don't know. All I know is, I just woke up here with Hisoka. I heard that you were in this guild called Fairy Tail with that friend of yours. I came here to visit. How many times have I told you? Assassins don't need friends, Killu," Illumi said. "Hisoka?" Gon repeated.

"I am not an assassin anymore! I am a hunter now!" Killua exclaimed. "You failed the exams," Illumi said. "I retook it and was the only one who passed. So I passed the exams and became a hunter," Killua said.

Illumi sighed. "You don't get it, do you? No matter how much you try, you will always be one of the Zoldyck family. The family of assassins. Plus, you are the heir to our family business," Illumi said.

"I'll kill you," Killua said. "You can't kill me. The answer already there. How many times have I told you? Never fight opponents you can't beat. I drilled that into you," Illumi said.

Killua looked at the corpses. "You killed them, didn't you?" Killua asked. "That's right," Illumi said. "Why are you here?" Killua asked. "Since I have nothing to do, might as well visit my younger brother," Illumi said.

"Go away! You're annoying. Don't tell me mother told you to stalk me," Killua said. "You're so great at guessing, Killu. You guessed correctly again. I'm so proud of you," Illumi said with an expressionless face which sent the chills down everyone's spine.

"So. I had a feeling you took out the needle I embedded in your brain," Illumi said. Gasps were heard. "You what?! How dare you do that to Killua!!" Gon exclaimed with an angry expression on his face.

"That's right. I took it out. That curse you put onto me," Killua said. "Did you dig it out with your fingernails?" Illumi asked. "Yes. While fighting," Killua said. "That's sad. Should I put another?" Illumi asked. "Don't you dare!" Gon exclaimed and stood in front of Killua.

"Gon! Don't! He'll kill you!" Killua exclaimed. "No. I won't. Or you could say I can't. Hisoka would be angry of I kill Gon. Because Gon is his precious fruit. He wants to watch him grow and be the only one to kill him," Illumi said. Everyone felt the chills go down their spine again.

"Illumi~! You made me look for you everywhere~!" a voice shouted from behind Illumi. It was a man with red hair and face paint. "Hisoka," Illumi said. Hisoka then noticed Killua and Gon standing in front of the whole crowd of people.

"My, my~ If it isn't Killua and Gon~" Hisoka said. "Hisoka?!" Gon exclaimed. "Ya~ Gon~" Hisoka said sending the chills down everyone's spine. "Illumi. Did you came here to visit your younger brother and try to drag him back to the mansion after you find a way back to our world?" Hisoka asked.

"Obviously," Illumi said. "Why are you here, Hisoka?!" Gon exclaimed with his eyebrows furrowed. "Ah~ Don't give me that look! I can't stand it any longer~" Hisoka said and made everyone shiver.

"Answer me!" Gon exclaimed. "To look for Illumi who was visiting Killua," Hisoka said. "Since you are here, count that as a bonus. I can see my Gon~" Hisoka said. Making Gon shiver.

"Hisoka, you are interrupting our brotherly conversation," Illumi said. "Gomen (Sorry), Illumi. But I found a good spot to build a hut or something," Hisoka said.

"We could just kill the people, steal their money and get into a hotel. Or have you lose your joy in killing," Illumi said. "That does sound like a good idea. But I don't want to do it alone. I don't want to do all that work by myself," Hisoka said.

"Fine," Illumi said. "Illumi, can we kill all these people?" Hisoka asked and a murderous aura came out from Hisoka. It made all the mages feel a strong pressure on them.

"No. Let's kill pedestrians instead. I've asked around. This is a guild. A guild is filled with members who can use magic. They would take some time. I want to hurry up and rest," Illumi said.

"Magic? But I am a magician too," Hisoka said. "Their magic is different," Illumi said. "Ah... But can their magic do this?" Hisoka said and pointed to Natsu.

Gon and Killua recognized it. "Be careful! It's Bungee Gum!" Gon exclaimed. Too late. Hisoka pulled his hand backwards sending Natsu flying in the air and hit the wall. Hard. There were cracks on the wall.

Everyone of the guild had their eyes widened. "It told you, Hisoka. Their magic is different," Illumi said and sighed. Illumi turned to Killua. "I guess I'll see you later," Illumi said. He and Hisoka then left. To kill.

"Seriously!" Killua exclaimed and went to Natsu. Gon and the whole guild followed after that. Natsu slowly got up. "Urgh.... What in the world was that?!" Natsu exclaimed.

"Bungee Gum. A type of Nen ability," Gon said. "Gyo!" Killua exclaimed. Everyone looked at him confused. Killua looked at Natsu. "Good. The Bungee Gum is not attached to him," Killua said.

"What did you do?" Gray asked. "You see, when Gyo is used, it allows you to see Nen which is invisible to people who don't know how to use Nen," Killua said.

"So those are your brothers? They are scary," Gray said no the whole guild had their attention on Killua. "No. Only the one who had long, black hair was my brother. The other one with red hair is a freaky, crazy, perverted clown and magician," Killua said.

"He sounded like one to me," Natsu said. "But what am I going to do now? Aniki (Big brother) is going to try and drag me back to that place now that he knows where I am," Killua said.

"I'll protect you when the time comes," Gon said. "Impossible. You can never kill him. You shouldn't fight him either. Even if you can, I would be the one to do it," Killua said.

"You're seriously believing in what he said about never fighting opponents you can't beat? You haven't even tried yet!" Elfman exclaimed. "Impossible...." Killua muttered.

"I'll..... take out the bodies," Killua said and and picked up all the corpses. The guild were quiet shocked to see that he could pick up so much weight at once. But then they remembered that he could open a gate of 64 tons.

"Killua! I'll come with you!" Gon exclaimed and followed Killua. "Do you want to bury them?" Gon asked. "Nope. I'll just leave them in the forest or something. I said 'take them out' not bury them," Killua said.

"We should bury them," Gon said. "Fine," Killua said and the both of them made their way into the forest. The rest of the guild went back into the guild.

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