The Clue

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Lucy woke up from bed, get ready and went outside. She saw that her friends were already outside. All except the two boys who came from another world.

They said good morning to each other. "Where are Gon and Killua?" Lucy asked looking around. "Probably still sleeping," Gray said. "Well... We should wake then up already. I mean, we haven't eaten yet. We are going to need to check out in a few hours," Erza said.

They all stood up and when to the boys' room. "O-One thing. I am so not going to wake that former elite assassin," Natsu said. "Fine. We will wake Gon up and get him to wake Killua up," Lucy said.

They then set their eyes in the two boys. Killua was lying there with his arms opened wide while Gon lying face down was on top of his stomach. Gon's face was at Killua's knees while Killua's hand was below Gon's feet.

They stared at them. They then stared at the room. It was messy. Some of the pillows were on the ground. Their blanket was also half on the ground. 'They must've had a pillow fight,' Lucy and the others thought in unison.

Wendy went to Gon and started shaking Gon. "Gon. Wake up," Wendy said. Gon sat up. Gon was still half asleep. "Wake Killua up," Erza said. "Okay!! Killua~~~~~ Time to wake up!~" Gon exclaimed getting off Killua. Gon fell off the bed because he was still half asleep.

Killua seemed to be still asleep. Gon climbed up the bed. Gon shook his friend hard. He even punched Killua in the stomach. "Oi! Gon! He is injured, remember?" Gray said.

"What? Killua's injured?!" Gon exclaimed snapping awake. "You forgot?!" Nastu exclaimed in shock. "Oh yeah. Killua WAS injured. But he is perfectly fine now. See?" Gon said and lifted Killua's shirt up to the stomach and peeled the bandage away.

Killua's stomach was completely healed. There were no scars or whatsoever although there were blood on the bandage. "I-Impossible!" Natsu exclaimed in disbelief. Gon put Killua's shirt back down.

"Anyways, wake him up," Erza said. "Killua!!" Gon exclaimed shaking Killua. Killua slowly opened his eyes. "Gon? What's wrong?" Killua asked rubbing his eyes and sitting up.

Killua then noticed everyone was once again in their room. "Okay. I got it," Killua said and hopped off the bed. "I'm awake," Killua said. "Killua, just wondering. How did your wound heal so quickly? Did you put medicine?" Wendy asked.

"No. There was no medicine, remember? Wait..... How did you guys know it healed?" Killua asked. Natsu pointed to Gon who looked at Killua innocently. "He told you? Meh..." Killua said. "Actually, he lifted up your shirt and peeled off your bandage and showed us," Gray said.

Killua blushed as his eyes widened. But the blushing disappeared. Suddenly, a murderous aura emitted from Killua sending the chills down everyone else's spine. Killua had a scary look on his face making everyone shiver. Killua then smiled maniacally.

"Gon~~" Killua called out making Gon inch away from Killua. Killua started chasing Gon around the room in a terrifying speed. Gon who knew this was coming ran before Killua did. Gon began jumping around the room. Killua followed.

"Killua!!! Stop!!!!! Please!!" Gon shouted when Killua managed to grab him. Killua hit him on the head. Hard. "It hurts!" Gon exclaimed holding his head. "Hmph! Serves you right!!" Killua exclaimed.

Everyone else other then the two 'phewed'. "Eh? What's wrong? Why are you guys 'phewing'?" Killua asked. "We thought you were about to get serious about it," Erza said.

"Get serious about it? I wouldn't get serious. Gon's my friend!" Killua exclaimed. "Killua~~ It hurts!!" Gon exclaimed still holding his head. "Okay. Okay. I'm sorry. Get over here," Killua said pulling Gon to his side.

Killua looked at his friends's head. "Don't worry. Everything's fine," Killua said rubbing Gon's head gently. "Arigatou (Thank you), Killua!~" Gon said in a sing song voice. Killua raised an eye brow.

"By the way, Killua. Why are you so embarrassed? They're our friends!" Gon exclaimed. "There are girls in the room," Killua said in an annoyed tone. Killua sighed.

"So. What's the plan for today?" Killua asked. "Well..... Let's go eat first then decide," Lucy said. The others nodded. They took some of their things, went out of the hotel and went to have breakfast at a cafe. They will check that once they come back.

As they were eating, they overheard people talking about the Flaming Thieves. "I heard that this guy manage to find the hideout of the Flaming Theives. It was where "music lies beneath the sky of starry" he said. He went there but then got killed," a man said to his friend.

" "Music lies beneath the sky of starry"?" Natsu repeated while whispering so the two man would not hear. The two man who were talking soon left. "Looks like we found ourselves a clue," Lucy said.

After eating, they went back to the hotel. They packed all their things and sat in the living room to talk about the clue. They still have time before checking out.

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