Solving The Riddle

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"So. Where do you-" Natsu said but was cut off by Erza. "Wait. I have a feeling that someone is watching us," Erza whispered. "Yeah... You're right," Gray whispered. "From the window in the corner near the room you guys share," Gon whispered. "Our room?" Lucy asked. Gon nodded.

"Got it. Leave this to me," Killua said with a smirk. "Erza! You said you wanted your book, right?" Killua said. Erza immediately caught up to what he meant. "Yeah. The one which is red with golden designs," Erza said. "I'll go get it," Killua said and walking towards the room.

"Kanmuru (Godspeed)," Killua said and in lighting speed, he ran to the window, opened the window and threw the person into the apartment. Or you should say across the living room hitting the wall.

The person spying on them was caught in surprise. They looked to see that the person is a male that has short purple hair and dark brown orbs. The person rubbed his head.

"Man.... You sure have a lot of strength for a kid," the person said and stood up. Ezra and the others stared at the man intensely. Their eyes widened as they saw the tattoo of the Flaming Theives.

"Oops. Looks like I've been caught spying. I'm impressed. It's the first time I've been caught spying of all the times I went spying," the thief said. "Why are you spying on us?" Ezra asked calmly.

"It's because Zeron told me that there was this kid which is good in fighting. I came to see it for myself. That kid has some business with him and that kid appears to be you," the thief said pointing to Killua.

"So you must be a friend of Zeron," Gray said. "That's right. I am Drake Florence, a friend of Zeron Forgia," Drake said. They could see that Drake is much more on the intellectual side.

"So. What do you guys plan to do to me now that you've caught me spying on you guys?" Drake asked. "What else? We're gonna capture you!" Natsu exclaimed. Erza hit Natsu on the head hard.

"What's wrong?! Why did you hit me?!" Natsu exclaimed. There was a big bump on his head. "It's because you just told the enemy our motive," Erza said really annoyed.

"Oops," Natsu said. "So that's why you guys were after us! You guys wanted to capture us! I see. But many people have attempted it before and non has succeeded," Drake said with a smirk.

"Well, shall we be the first?" Gray asked. "That is if you can!" Drake exclaimed. "ICE MAKE LANCE!!" Gray exclaimed and ice-made lances shot out at Drake.

Drake managed to dodge it. He was about to make a run for the window but Killua stood in his way just in time. Killua was still in his Kanmuru (Godspeed) form.

"Let's see how strong you really are," Drake said. A magic wheel appeared below Drake. "FIRE VINE!!" Drake exclaimed and vine-like fire began attacking everything in the room.

But there was something strange. It did not effect the furnitures or walls. "Nothing's happening to the furnitures and walls," Natsu said. "I see. Your power only works on living creatures, right?" Erza asked. "Good job on figuring that out," Drake said.

Drake put his hands together and the vine-like fire joined and became one big, thick vine-like fire. Drake aimed the fire at Killua, that is because Killua was blocking his way out.

Killua dodged it. Killua then ran forward so fast that it wasn't visible to the naked eye. "Izutsushi (Lightning palm)!!" Killua exclaimed electrocuting Drake. Drake was paralyzed for a moment.

"Gon!" Killua exclaimed. "First comes rock..... Jan! Ken!! GUU!!!" Gon exclaimed and hit Drake with his Jajanken. Drake eyes widened in shock. It felt so painful. Suddenly, gas engulfed the place.

Drake quickly made an escape back to the Flaming Thieves' hideout. "Don't breathe in the gas!! It's poison gas!!" Killua exclaimed. Everyone immediately held their breath.

Erza gestured towards the room Gon and Killua share. Everyone else immediately got what she meant and rushed into the room. After everyone else entered the room, they locked the door shut. They made sure no gas could get inside.

"That was a close one. Anyone hurt?" Natsu asked. Everyone shook their heads. "Good," Natsu said. "So he got away..... I'm sure he's going to go back and tell his comrades about our motive," Wendy said. "Dosureba (What are we going to do)?" Lucy asked.

"We take them down. That's what we're going to do," Natsu said. "Okay. Back to the point. Where do you go think that this "Music lies beneath the starry sky"?" Erza asked.

Steam came out of Gon's ears. After a while, it seemed that a lightbulb appeared above Gon's head. "Starry sky means at night right?" Gon asked. "But that wouldn't be possible. If that is what is mean... That would mean the hideout is only there at night, then where would it go in the morning?" Killua asked.

"....Good point," Gon said after a while. "Ne, do you guys have any music centers which teach music in this world?" Killua asked. "Teach music?" Lucy repeated slightly confused. "Yeah. Teach you how to play musical instruments," Killua said.

"Oh. Yeah. What about it?" Lucy asked. "Maybe the "music" is referring to the music centers," Killua said. "Now that you've said it, it reminds me... There's one I know..... since it's a shared double layered building, the top part of the building is selling things about astronomy, like books about stars, pictures of constellations and stuff like that," Lucy said.

Erza smirked. "I believe we found the hideout of the Flaming Thieves," Erza said. "Alright. Let's sneak in and give them a big surprise," Natsu said. "Well........ That would be alright but.... Is all of them there, do you think we'll stand a chance?" Wendy asked.

"Don't be so negative. I'm sure we can do it," Natsu said. "So.... Shall we go now?" Gray asked with a smirk visible on his face. They all stood up. "There's poison gas," Killua reminded them when Erza was about to open the door.

"Let's just go through the window!" Gon said with a smile. "Y-You want us to commit suicide?!?!" Natsu exclaimed. "This is the 5th floor...." Erza said. "A fall can't kill us. Besides, we aren't going to fall down. We're going to jump down instead," Killua said.

"Are you sure about that? As far as I know, I can't fly," Lucy said. "Flying nekos (cats), would you go mind catching us if we fall?" Gon asked politely. "We're not flying nekos (cats)! We are exceeds!" Carla exclaimed slightly annoyed.

"Opps. Gomen (Sorry)," Gon said. "Alright. Fine. We'll catch you guys if you fall," Carla said with her eyes closed. Then, they went to the window.

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