On A Mission We Go!

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After a while of burying, the boys went back into the guild. They were as bored as ever. "Killua," Gon called out. "What?" Killua asked "Nothing. I'm just bored," Gon said. "Me too," Killua said.

Lucy and the others kind of pitied them. They just sat there on the table and stared at the walls. "Hey, why don't we go for a mission and bring them with us?" Lucy asked.

"That's a good idea but they aren't part of the guild," Erza said. "Well.... I pity them. They look so bored. Let's go ask master," Wendy said. "Good idea," Natsu said and the group .

They went to ask the master. "You can bring them along if they want to go. They must be strong and must be prepared. We are not responsible for death and injuries. Also, they cannot claim the prize. But they can help," Marakov said.

"Thank you, master!" Natsu said and all of them went to the table where Gon and Killua sat. "Killua, Gon, will you like to come on a mission with us?" Erza asked. The two boys looked up at her.

"Mission?" Gon repeated. "Yes. In our guild, we can go on missions which are sent by requests from people. Since you boys aren't from our guild, you can't claim the money. But it will also be dangerous. We will not be responsible for death and injuries," Lucy said.

"Why don't we just be part of your guild?" Gon asked innocently. "Baka (Stupid) Do you want to stay in this world forever and become one of their guild?" Killua asked.

"No," Gon said. "You could," Wendy said. "No thanks," Killua and Gon and said in unison. "We want to go back to our world someday," Gon said. "But we don't hate you guys or this world at all," Killua said.

"I just miss home," Gon said. "And I don't. But I'll follow Gon wherever he goes until I found something I want to do other than being the heir to our family business," Killua said.

"Well.... So do you want to come with us on a mission?" Lucy asked. "Of course!" Gon exclaimed and got up. "That would be a great way to make ourselves enjoy," Killua said and got up too.

"Let's go to do the requests board!" Wendy said and went to do the request board followed by the others. "Should we choose an easier one?" Happy asked. "I don't want to do an easy one. The reward will be little," Natsu said.

"But they are new on this," Lucy said. "Don't worry about us. We can take care of ourselves," Gon said. "It would be boring if it was to easy," Killua said. "Hey! This one looks good!" Wendy said pointing to one of the requests.

Erza took it from her. "It is a capture to a group of thieves which can use magic," Erza said. "Would you like to do this mission?" Lucy asked the two kids. "Anything will do, Lucy-san," Gon said.

Lucy smiled upon hearing '-san' at the back of her name. "Anything will be fine," Killua said. "Let's do it, shall we?" Wendy asked. Everyone else nodded and went to Mirajane.

"We're going on a mission," Erza said and gave Mirajane the request. Mirajane gave them permission, stamped the request paper and they went out of the guild. "Where are we going first?" Gon asked.

"We are going to have to visit the owner of this request and tell him or her that his or her request have been accepted. It is a he, I guess. By the name of Mr Takuto. His house is located at Franklin Street. The number of the mansion, 23," Erza said.

"Franklin? Isn't that the name of one of the members of the Phantom Troupe?!" Killua exclaimed. "I guess it is just the name. Franklin couldn't be here, right?" Gon asked.

"Well.... Hisoka and aniki (big brother) got here. Who knows Franklin, Machi, Nobunaga, Phinks... Everyone of the Phantom Troupe might be here," Killua said.

"If they are, this means more trouble!" Gon exclaimed. "Wait... Do you think the group of thieves we are going after is the Phantom Troupe?" Killua asked. "Nani (What)?!?! We stand no chance against all of them!!" Gon exclaimed.

"Calm down. It's just a guess. By the way, they are Nen users, they don't know magic," Killua said. "That's true," Gon said. "What do you mean by the 'Phantom Troupe'?" Erza asked.

"The Phantom Troupe are the most well-known thieves in our world. They are all skilled Nen users," Gon said. "We got captured twice and are really lucky to survive. I nearly got slit but the neck," Killua said.

"You mean the time you gone crazy and nearly challenged Nobunaga when we were in the room?" Gon asked. "No! I did not go crazy that time! It was aniki's (big brother's) needle messing with me! What I meant was I nearly got slit by the neck by Hisoka's card when Feitan was about to break your fingers one by one and then break your whole arm," Killua said.

"This Feitan guy sounds scary," Gray said. "Wait... Hisoka... Isn't that the creepy guy with red hair that threw Natsu to the wall?" Gray asked. "Yeah. His cards are like knives. It did cut my neck. At least it didn't slit my neck. I was naive. If I had take another step, Hisoka wouldn't have hesitated to kill me," Killua said.

"At least you two survived," Lucy said. They then traveled to Franklin street. They stopped at the gates and ringed the bell of house 23. Or you should say mansion 23. "This guys must be rich," Natsu said. "It is expected. He had put a reward of 100,000$," Lucy said.

A man in a tuxedo then came out of the door and we to the gates. "May I inquire why you are here?" the man asked. They assumed he was a butler. "We are here to speak with Mr Takuto on the request to capture the thieves," Erza said.

Upon hearing this, the butler opened the gates and led them into the mansion. They were then found in a room. Inside the room was a man with brown hair. They assumed he was Mr Takuto.

The butler left and they sat down after Mr Takuto told them to. "I heard that you guys are going to accept my request to capture the thieves," Mr Takuto said. "Yes, that's right," Erza said.

"The thieves have been stealing in this neighborhood and often in my mansion as it looks like a wealthy place. Indeed, it is. That's why I need you guys to help me to capture them," Mr Takuto said.

"We will do all we can. My I ask if you have any idea of how many members are there in this group of thieves?" Gray asked. "There are seven members all together," Mr Takuto said.

"How about their powers?" Killua asked. "Magic. I don't know what magic but they are quite strong and skilled. But whoever they steal from gets knocked out by some sort of gas," Mr Takuto said. "Doku (Poison)?" Killua asked.

"It is unknown what kind of gas it is. There is also another which uses plants," Mr Takuto said. "I see.... May I inquire what do they look like?" Erza asked. "That I do not know," Mr Takuto said.

"What happens if we kill them?" Killua asked. The others looked at him. "Dead or alive, just stop them," Mr Takuto said. "Understood," Killua said.

"How do we identify them?" Wendy asked. "You can identify them through a tattoo that looks like a burning arrow and bow," Mr Takuto said. "Who are they known as?" Gon asked. "They are known as the Flaming Thieves," Mr Takuto said.

"Thank you. That will be valuable information. We shall set off to capture the thieves now," Erza said and all of them sat up and exited the mansion. "So... Where do you think we can find there thieves?" Gray asked.

Suddenly, there was a scream. "Looks like we are found our answer," Killua said. Instantly, they rushed towards that scream. It seems like something is going on in a house nearby. They rushed into the house.

All they saw was a woman lying on the ground unconscious. There were some cuts on her body. They could see that the house looks rather empty.

Erza began shaking the woman but she wouldn't wake up. "Allow me," Wendy said and began healing the woman with her healing magic. The woman started to flinch and slowly woke up.

Wendy wiped a sweat. "Don't push yourself!" Carla exclaimed. "I'm done," Wendy said. The woman got up. "Help! I'm attacked by the Flaming Thieves!" the woman exclaimed.

"Calm down and explain to us. What happened?" Gon asked. "First tell me who you are!" the woman exclaimed. "We are people who accepted the request to capture the Flaming Thieves," Erza said.

"I see. Forgive me for my rudeness. My name is Karen. Please have a seat as I explain what happened," Karen said gesturing to the sofa which was not stolen. They sat down.

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