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Milo Evans at top

***Milo's POV***

Things have always been difficult for me.

I struggle with dyslexia. I'm asthmatic. I'm the one thing my parent's tried to prevent. Alive.

I wish I could speak of a time when I felt wanted by my parents. I wish their was a major life changing event that could have prevented their lack of connection to me. There isn't.

I was a mistake. A huge mistake.

My mom and dad had my brother, Neko, at 21 and they were the perfect family. My dad always wanted a son. My mom wanted a daughter. After Neko turned three, my parents decided they were ready to add to their perfect family.

They tried for months to conceive their perfect little girl. They eventually realized they wouldn't be successful. Mom was unable to become pregnant again. They found a young lady who was pregnant and in need of an adoptive family.

They found out at her half way mark they indeed were having a princess. However, the sonographer delivered news that had my dad fainting.


One princess and one unwanted prince.

By the time my birth mother was ready to pop, my parents decided that they would be happy with me as long as they had their princess. Fate crashed their dreams like glass on a stone floor.

On July 20, 2002 my birth mom had me and my twin sister. My sister, Laila, was born sick. Her cord had gotten a knot in the womb and she suffered major complications.

When Laila and I turned one, she fell ill to a severe case of pneumonia. She stayed in the hospital for nearly three weeks in PICU. At some point, Laila succumbed to her illness. She passed and my life would never be the same.

Instead of being thankful for the child they still had, they despised me desperately. I grew up in a home knowing that I was never supposed to be born. I am a mistake. I am a sick joke by the Universe.

I was included in all family events, because I was a reminder to family and friends of my parents loss. Unfortunately, the only time they were caring towards me was during said events. My brother, Neko, held me nightly trying to reassure me that my parents did, in fact, love me.


He would never understand.

Neko is my best friend but, he doesn't know everything I have been through. I have kept it from him easily. My parents were smart. They still are. Their harsh hate for me has been well kept. The abuse is hidden under layers of clothing and carefully timed out lashings.

If Neko is scheduled to come home, I get a reprieve. Neko is a Staff Sergeant in the US Army. He left after graduating high school. He took off to West Point and I was left behind.

Neko got stationed in Honolulu, Hawaii. He now lives 2700 miles across the world, while I stay with my horrible adoptive parents in Seattle, Washington. I miss Neko. I wish he was here to protect me.

I dream of the day that I can leave my parent's house. I dream of getting as far away from Seattle as possible. I dream of going somewhere that I can be myself. I dream of finally being loved.


***mature content, disclaimers will be noted, only once in most cases. After that my readers should realize I am a graphic writer***

***POV change (because all my main characters need a chance to shine) will be marked clearly***

<<<<<<<< Scene change or page break indicating a lapse in time

Anything italicized is internal dialect to personal character.

"Italicized dialect with quotes will produce internal thought spoken out loud by mistake."

***Flashback*** is noted as such and all flashbacks will have italicized font.

Dreams will be italicized and underlined

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