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Just thought the picture reminded me of our couple. It's just something else. So beautiful...

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***Neko's POV***

"Baby. We woke up late. Fuck." I hop around the room throwing my shirt over my head. Milo runs around grabbing the remainders of our last minute packing.

"Shit. I'm so sorry. I didn't plug in our phones." Koala is freaking the fuck out.

"It's fine. We just gotta rush. No big deal." I grab the chargers, our wallets and our bags. I turn off all the lights and check each room as we get to the door.

"You two. I can't believe you just woke up." Nat giggles. I send her a playful glare.

"We can grab breakfast on the way. Let's go." Ky waves his hand toward the door. Lux guides Ky out and I lock everything up.

"Everyone got everything?" I open the truck and toss our stuff in the bed of the truck.

"Yes. Now come on." Milo is irritable. He hates rushing but, he hates being late even more.

"Calm down, please." I grip his face between my hands and bring his lips to mine for a kiss.

"I am. Can we please just get to the airport?" My Koala climbs into the front seat and motions for me to hurry.

Once in the truck, I make our way straight on to the open road. I slip my arm around him and hold him close. He's obviously excited and probably anxious.

"Sorry." Milo leans to the side and lays against my shoulder.

"No problem, baby. I understand." I smile at my beautiful fiancé.

"I'm hungry." Max whines from the back seat.

"I'm Neko. Nice to meet you." I chuckle when Max throws his middle finger up at me.

"We can just get airport food." Lux urges. I shrug. I don't care either way.

"That's good. Yeah, saves time." Max smiles and Milo nods along.

We check in at the correct terminal. We stare at our flight as the word delayed blares at us.

"Well, I guess we have time to eat." I wave our group to the airport cafe. We place our order and take a seat.

"Where are your families?" I look to Nat and Max.

"They are in the bar. They text me an hour ago." Nat laughs.

"Our's too." Lux smiles at me.

"Do we need anything else, at all before we board the plane?" Milo questions everyone after breakfast.

"I have you. That's all I need." I pull him into my arms and tilt his head back. I kiss him deeply and for a very long time. I can't wait to show my baby off to my friends.

"Batman." Milo whines.

"Yes, Love." I smirk. I know.

"Now I'm horny." Milo whispers in my ear. He rubs his tent across my leg as proof.

"I think we have time." I laugh when he gives me a glare.

"I guess I can wait until we get to a house." Milo huffs and turns away from me.

"Keep pouting. I will have your pants off and your dick in my mouth faster than you can yell." I nip his ear with my teeth and run my tongue over the teeth marks.

"Bathroom?" Milo winks.

I'm seriously contemplating it. But, the loud speaker announces our flight.

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