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***Milo's POV***

We get to Neko's friends beach house. That's where the adults will be staying. It's huge. Neko has some loaded friends.

I feel out of place. I can sense the need to hide and run. That's not possible. Everyone congregates around me like I'm some rare breed of animal. I feel like a display.

"Koala? You alright?" Neko rubs my arms soothingly. It hardly helps.

"I'm just. Well, there's a lot of strangers." I curl into his chest. I want him to hide me from the attention.

"They are just excited to meet you, baby. How about I get you a drink? Then you can relax." I nod aggressively. I haven't had my anxiety meds and I can tell.

I walk outside on to the beach and calmly push my toes into the sand. Hawaii is stunning. It's absolutely a paradise.

"Hi. I'm Eric. I apologize for the large welcome crowd. Neko was popular." I turn to the guy that Neko described to me.

"I'm Milo." I shake his hand. His rich brown hair is in a military buzz. He's very good looking. He has almost grey color eyes and tan skin.

"We were all terribly worried about you. You were all he ever talked about. Seriously, all he talked about. Now I see why. You're adorable." Eric smiles at me and I giggle.

"Thanks." I sit down on the beach, digging my feet into the warm sand once again.

"Who are all those people?" I ask hesitantly.

"Our whole platoon. They caught wind of Neko's arrival. I couldn't rein them in." Eric gives me an apologetic look.

"It's okay. I just don't do well with strange crowds. I will be okay." I stare off across the ocean. It's huge.

"Just take them in stride. They get rowdy. I won't let anyone bother you." Eric sits beside me in companionable silence.

"Hey, baby." Neko sits down beside me and cups my face gently. He presses a kiss to my lips. I blush. He gives me a solo cup with plenty of alcohol. I can smell it.

"Neko. Dude. He's hot." A new guy comes over and plops down right in front of us. I groan and push my face back into Neko's shoulder.

"He's taken." Eric punches the dude in the shoulder.

I shift into Neko's lap and curl around him.

"Oh. You're the brother." The guy laughs and shakes his head. I glare at him.

"Adopted." I sneer out.

"I didn't mean anything bad. Just weird. You know." I don't like this person. At all.

"No. It's not weird." I get my back up at the dude. He's pissing me off.

"Carl. Stop." Eric puts his hand up to the side to halt Carl's shitty dialect.

"I'm just joshing around. Calm down." Carl laughs and lays back in the sand.

"He's a menace. But, he's good in a fight." Eric smiles at me.

"It's fine." I take a few sips from my cup. It burns. It's strong.

"Bean. Come on. Night swimming." Ky grabs my hand and I stand up.

"Be careful." Neko warns.

I bend down and kiss his yummy lips. Neko threads his fingers in my hair and takes it next level.

Great. Now I'm going to pitch a tent.

"Batman." I warn.

"Go. Be good Koala." Neko pops my butt. I turn and poke my tongue out at him.

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