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***Milo's POV***

Every time Neko comes home it feels like the best time in my life. Neko is home, my home. His arms cage me in comfort. His constant fawning and affection make me feel safe and loved.

Today he has to go home. Neko will be home and my world will return to the devastation it always is when he is absent. I love my brother so fucking much. I hope he does steal me one day. That will make all of the shit I go thru worth it.

I wake up to my big brother staring intently at me. A wide grin stretches across his face and I nuzzle my nose into his bare chest. His heart beat thumps against my ear and I hum in happiness.

"Good morning Koala." Neko whispers as his hands play with my brown strands.

"Good morning Batman." I smile. He's my hero. I always called him that as a child.

Neko smirks and picks up the chain of his dog tags that hangs around my neck. He pulls them off our heads and flips them so I can see them. Two tags hang from each chain. The one he carries has his Name, Blood Type and Religion. The other has a Koala. My set has an identical tag to his, but my second one has the Batman symbol etched onto it. I smile and kiss his cheek.

"Thank you. I love you so much." I whisper.

"I love you Milo. I swear I do." Neko confirms with a soft kiss on my cheek.

I smile brighter as I lay in the comfort of my brother's arms.

All too soon, our time comes to an end. I see Neko off to the airport with my parents. He kisses my forehead and holds me tightly before he walks away towards his terminal. I whimper as he walks away. The goodbyes are always so hard. I miss him already.

I turn towards my guardians. Their faces are filled with malice. I hold my new iPhone 11 in my front pocket of the hoodie Neko left me with. It's his army hoodie. It smells just like him.

I sigh as his scent fills my nose with the comfort of my brother.

Neko spent all week with me. He bought me new clothes, shoes and my new phone. He made sure I knew that he was in my contacts twice. His name is under Batman and ICE (In Case of Emergency). He said that any authority would dial ICE first. It's a universal code among emergency responders.

Neko loves me so much. He will never understand how much I love him. Maybe one day I can prove how much he is worth to me.

I climb into the back of my mom and dad's car and we take the ride back to the house. As soon as we get there, I feel Dad's hand clamp down hard on my shoulder. I feel the panic rise in my chest and immediately I start to breathe in sharply.

"What did you tell him, asshole?" Dad grits out.

"N-Nothingg." I stutter.

"Oh yeah, so why would he set up groceries to get delivered you ungrateful slut." Mom sneers.

"I'm a virgin." I whisper. I'm not a slut. I'm saving myself for someone special.

I guess they heard me because mom's hand comes down hard across my right cheek. I don't make a sound. That's what she wants. I blink the tears from my eyes and breathe thru the stinging sensation that is radiating thru my cheek.

"He doesn't care about you." Mom laughs.

"No one does. You don't deserve to be loved." Dad says as he shakes me hard and pushes me into the porch. I fall but, catch myself on my palms.

It's not that big of a deal. They will do worse. This is the usual warm up.

I slowly walk into the house with my head down so they don't find a reason to punish me.

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