Trial : Part 5

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***Neko's POV***

Listening to that vile account, the blanks all being filled in, was catastrophic to my soul. I didn't know what exactly transpired the night Milo landed in the hospital. I was too focused on watching my brother fight for his life.

The pain he described was far worse than my mind could materialize. My heart hammers against my chest while listening.

I immediately approach Milo to console him. My hands swipe his tears with a tissue and my lips kiss his temple. I needed confirmation that he was still here. He shouldn't be. I can't believe he survived.

My eyes scan our friends and family.

Kyle is being comforted by Lux. His body violently shaking as broken sobs tear from his throat.

The Wallace's are embracing one another and look a lot like the Bennett's, worse for the wear.

Natalie is in Max's lap. Her tiny angel body vibrating as he rubs her back.

It was too much. Nobody should have heard that. Nobody should have lived that.

I take my seat again as the defense attorney snarls at Marla and Steve. His snarky smirk is gone. Anger radiates off of him in palpable currents.

"Milo, I have no questions. You may step down." The defense attorney releases Milo and he finds his way into my arms.

"Steve Evans has chosen, wisely, not to testify. However, I call Marla Evans to the stand." The defense attorney shakes his head and visibly rolls his eyes.

"Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God." The bailiff requests from Marla.

Marla agrees and sits down in the witness chair. She runs her fingers over her blouse and skirt before folding her hands in her lap.

"Marla, everything you say can and will be used against you. Let the record show that I vehemently oppose Marla testifying in her own defense." The defense attorney turns to the jury as they nod.

"Are there any accounts that you have heard today, in which you wish to deny or elaborate. Please be aware that you are expected to give supporting details with your testimony." The defender makes his feelings for Marla clearly apparent.

"I wish to explain my side. Nothing more or less." Marla softly whispers in a sweet tone that I could swear didn't reside in her vocal range.

"Begin." The attorney instructs.

"Twenty years ago, we were given the devastating news that I couldn't bare another child. Our dreams for a precious little girl were destroyed. Our world came crashing down around us." Marla sniffles as my eyes painfully roll into the back of my head.

Bring in the Emmy.

"My husband, Steve, he wanted a little girl to be Daddy's girl. We had Neko and he loves me so much. Steve often felt like he couldn't compete with our sons adoration for me. As Neko's mother, I was so enamored by the dark hair, tan skin and dark eyes of my beloved son. I showered him with hugs and kisses every day. I thanked God for our beautiful son. We were blessed immensely." Marla sends me a disgusting smile and my stomach tries to claw it's way up my esophagus.

Fuck, she is good.

"Wanting to please the love of my life, I agreed to adopt a little girl. We found a perfect carrier. She was young and willing to give us her unborn daughter. We were so happy. We would finally have a little princess to add to our perfect family. At the last ultrasound, we were informed that the girl was carrying twins, both a boy and a girl. We already had a prince, but we accepted the second child as long as we got a princess as well." Marla let's a fat tear squeeze from her demonic eyes. She shakes her head and exhales slowly.

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