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***Milo's POV**

We chose not to stay for sentencing. The verdict was a resounding GUILTY. The prosecutor called us the next day to let us know that Marla received two consecutive life sentences not to be ran concurrently. She tacked on an additional 326 years for every single charge. Not one charge was dismissed.

Steve received three life sentences consecutively. They would not be concurrent either. The prosecutor said he had inflicted the most physical damage and was therefore charged with more of a penalty. Steve received an additional 346 years resulting from his charges. Not one charge was dismissed in his case either.

The prosecutor said it was two of the longest sentences ever passed down in the state of Washington. I was relieved.

The Judge, Reginald Wilson, called us personally. He said that it will be his extreme pleasure to officiate our wedding, when the day comes.

A chapter in my life is fully closed and for that I am truly grateful. No words could ever describe the complete horror my life had once been.

I vowed, that night laying in Neko's arms, not to ever read that book again. I will forever be changed by the impact that Marla and Steve have had in my life.

That doesn't mean I will dwell in the burning embers of their hate fueled fire.

School ended a couple of weeks ago. I officially am a Senior, having agreed to graduate with my original class. The decision was based purely on one fact, it made my Batman happy. The rest, I can deal with.

"Good morning love." Neko whispers in my ear.

"Mmmm. Batman." I purr.

"Why are you awake? It's summer you should be sleeping in, binge watching Shameless and pigging out." Batman chuckles.

"First of all, I finished Shameless last night. Second of all, I can't pig out. I have a tux to fit into. And third" I tick my fingers off.

"I don't want to sleep. Get out of bed and come hang out with me." I turn my face to the love of my life. I bat my long eye lashes, knowing Neko is a sucker and falls for it religiously.

"God, you're a devil disguised as a sexy angel." Neko groans as he moves to the edge of the bed.

I watch as he stretches. His back muscles flex and I can feel the urge to pin him down and kiss his sexy lips.

So, that's what I do.

I grip Neko's face and turn him towards me before diving into his sinful and delicious mouth.

"I haven't brushed my teeth." Neko blubbers between our lips.

"Nice try." I bite his bottom lip.

"Someone's feisty." Neko growls as I flip him over on to his back. I quickly seat myself over his massive erection and swirl my hips as I grind into his lap.

"Fuck, Kaola." Neko groans when I buck my hips against his.

"You promised." I whisper against his neck. My teeth scrape his skin and I lick the bite mark.

"What did I promise?" I look below me and see a devilish smirk on my Fiancee's lips.

"To love me." Kiss. "To have babies with me." Kiss. "And, to fuck me." Kiss.

My boxers are literally ripped from my body, the seams didn't have a fighting chance. Neko flips us over and places me on all fours.

"So exquisite." Neko growls out. His hand rubs my ass and I rock back and forth in front of him.

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