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***Milo's POV***

The story of the lovers had filled my night in equal parts nightmares and dreams. The images of the two struggling to reach safety reminded me so much of the many obstacles my Batman and I had faced, overcome. His protection was my saving grace. His love will always be my safety.

Stretching out my hands, I reach for my love. Only then realizing he would not be beside me. We had separated last night for the traditional bullshit of not seeing one another before the wedding.

That tradition is abhorrent and unnecessary. It makes me angry thinking of how we decided it was a good idea. We are idiots.

A soft knock pulls me from my turmoil. I stand and open the door with a grimace. Natalie looks like an angel though, her hands wrapped around two cups of coffee.

"Something for the groom." Natalie steps on her tip toes while pushing the coffee mug to my hands. She places a soft kiss on my cheek.

"Thank you." I step away and allow her entrance.

"We don't have much to do. Just hang out until the time comes. You have low key made my job non existent." Natalie giggles when I send her a glare.

She made her job non existent by doing everything so thoroughly before we even boarded the plane.

"Well since we will be so bored, climb up. We can Netflix and chill for a bit." I sit down on the edge of the bed and turn the television on. I pass the remote to Nat to make the selection.

A few minutes later, Ky and Max join us. I smile and scoot over so the four of us can relax while waiting for the time when we actually need to get ready.

Why we chose a Dexter marathon is beyond me. Now I wish we could at least finish the season. We're morons.

"Come on. Let's get you ready to be Mr. Neko Evans." Ky grips one hand while Max pulls on the other.

The reminder makes me chuckle. We have the same last name.

"It's funny." Natalie laughs knowingly.

"What is my role in all this?" I groan while Natalie messes with my hair.

"Not to whine, smile and kiss the groom." Nat smacks me with the comb when I pull away from her plucking fingers.

"It's my big day. Why am I being subjected to abuse?" I whine. Because she said not to, that's why I do.

"Bean, sit still we don't have much time." Natalie runs her fingertips through my curls and kisses my forehead. A satisfied grin settles on her face.

"Presentable?" I ask irritatedly.

"Sexy." Ky winks and I laugh.

God I have the best friends.

"Just follow behind us. Just like we practiced. Before you know it, you're married and we are eating cake." Max high fives me.

Mmmm. Cake.

In no time we are dressed and ready. I silently thank myself for choosing white button ups that are rolled at the sleeves. We only had to slip on our dark Khaki cargo shorts.

Low Key. That's all I wanted.

"One thing changed. Sorry." Natalie pulls out a bag and walks to each of us guys. My eyes light up when the soft pink button ups are pushed into our hands.

We quickly change shirts. My mood lifts considerably.

"You're the fucking best." I yell over my shoulder while changing into my favorite color.

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