Not as Hard as I Thought

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***Milo's POV***

The week flies by. Before we know it, all six of us are at the grocery store picking up what we will need for the weekend. I glance at my friends as they fill our buggy with all things non-essential.

Lux is pushing the cart with Kyle in between his hands and the front of the cart. They look adorable. Lux bends down and whispers something that has Ky nodding and smiling like a beauty contestant.

Max has his arm around Nat's shoulders. They are walking by mindlessly throwing things in the cart. Every once in a while Max nips Nat's ear with his teeth, earning himself a sharp slap on the chest.

Neko walks beside me with his right hand in my left back pocket.

"Baby, what are we having for dinner?" Neko questions.

"Quesadillas?" I offer.

"Yes!" Lux high fives me.

"Breakfast?" Neko asks as he starts putting the essentials in the cart.

"Can we have french toast?" Nat asks.

I nod my head and Neko grabs stuff for that.

"Lunch?" Neko continues.

"We won't be home for lunch tomorrow." Kyle adds nonchalantly.

"Hmmm, where will we be?" Lux asks playfully. He kisses Kyle's cheek.

"Well, I kinda thought we could go on a hike." Kyle admits.

"Love it!" Natalie hops and claps her hands like the girl she is.

"I'm down." I offer.

"Okay, so do we need anything else?" Neko requests. He looks at all of us. He is so patient.

"Um, we need a few things. But, not from this store." I softly tell my Batman.

"And what would that be?" Neko whispers.

"Lube and I kinda want a toy." I blush and curl into his chest.

"We will go to the mall." Neko chuckles into my neck.

"Thank you." I shyly giggle.

We check out, drive home and empty the truck. We put away all the groceries and load back into the truck. Neko drives while I sit between him and Natalie. Max is in the back behind Neko, Kyle behind me and Lux sits behind Natalie.

"This isn't fair." Max whines.

"What?" Neko laughs.

"I can't sit next to My baby." Max groans.

"You have me all weekend." Natalie argues.

"It's not enough." Max whimpers.

I look back just as Lux smacks Max in the back of the head.

"Ow!" Max shouts.

"Everyone behave." Neko chuckles.

"I will sit in the back when we head home." I offer.

"No, you won't." Neko squeezes my thigh lightly and playfully growls down at me.

"No, I will sit in the front." Lux corrects me.

He looks to Kyle for confirmation.

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