Lucas Evans

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***Milo's POV***

"Shhhh. Baby. Daddy has you." I rock Lucas gently, bouncing him as I walk the halls.

Our son has a set of lungs. He cries himself to sleep in my arms every single night. His poor little lungs must get a strenuous work out.

"Koala, come here." Neko calls me into the room. I sigh. I really try not to wake him up. Neko works god awful hours at the restaurant. I don't work at all. Daddy duty is my full time job.

"I'm sorry." I slump my shoulders while shifting into the bed with Lucas in my arms. I feel like a complete failure.

"Don't be. I told you I wanted the whole experience. Just lay down." Neko pulls me into his chest. Expertly, my Batman shifts Luke into his other arm, patting the baby while he lays on Neko's bare chest.

Lucas quiets down the minute that Cash joins the snuggle fest.

"He doesn't like me." I'm exhausted. Crying has become my outlet. Having a child is a lot of work.

"He loves you. Koala, how could he not?" Neko kisses my head. I curl into him while getting comfortable in his arms. I just need sleep.

"I don't go in tomorrow. So, you will sleep. I will take care of our son. That's not a question. Now, rest." Neko kisses me a final time before my eyes agree with his plan.

The smell of breakfast wakes me. My God how long has it been since I slept in. Looking at the clock, I want to thank the angels that I got a full six hours.

Rushing through my morning routine, I slip into the living room to find my husband. Jesus Christ. That man is fucking sexy.

Neko stands at the breakfast bar with Luke swaddled to his chest in his carrier. Oh my heavens, I want to put the baby in bed and fuck Neko into the mattress. My hand moves my growing erection at the thought.

"He's asleep." Neko turns so I can see the baby. I don't bother looking. My eyes are trained on every line of Neko's abs that are peeking from underneath the baby sash.

Christ alone. How is he so fucking mouth watering?

"Lay him down." My mouth heavily lets the words fall out. I need my husband. Need him, now!

"Breakfast is ready." Neko chuckles at my sultry pants. I don't give a fuck about food.

"It sure is." I trail my eyes down his body while pulling the tip of my cock to peek from my pajama pants. The bitch is hard, leaking.

"Two seconds." Suddenly Neko is rushing down the hall with the baby tightly tucked into his chest.

He doesn't get out of the nursery door good before I back him into the wall. My hands rake down his chest. My lips collide with his taut chest. I bite my husband, chasing my marks with kisses. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

"Koala." Neko moans for me. It's delicious, heavenly. I slide my hand down his chest, pushing my fingers across his smooth skin. When I reach his waistband, I skim the outline of his erection through his bottoms. The heat between our two bodies is a wall of anticipation. My hand cups his girth, squeezing while slipping down the length.

"Fuck." Neko grunts out while dragging his teeth against my exposed neck. The sensation causes me to humbly moan for my husband.

Neko turns our bodies until my back hits the wall. The picture of Lucas behind me trembles on the small nail that holds it in place. My back throbs while Neko hikes my legs around his waist to grind down on my thumping member.

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