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***Milo's POV***

We enter the movie theater as three couples. I can't possibly be any happier. Batman holds my hand and hugs me to him. He gets us popcorn and nachos. A coke sits in the cup holder between us.

We sit down to watch Hansel and Gretel.

I look around. Max has Nat cozy in his arms. Lux is holding Kyle. I smile. We did good matching them.

Neko has my hand in his. Our fingers are intertwined. I know I should be watching the movie. I just can't. My mind is consumed with what happened earlier this evening.

Neko made love to me.

A shiver runs up my spine and my dick hardens. It's so embarrassing how any little thought of Batman causes my friend to stir alive. I place the popcorn bucket in my lap, hoping not to draw attention.

"Don't bother." Lux whispers in my ear.

"What?" I hiss incredulously.

"We already saw." Lux laughs.

"Shut up." I grit out.

"It's normal. Just go in the bathroom and handle it." Lux chuckles.

"Excuse me." I whisper to him as I stand.

"Are you okay?" Neko asks, worriedly.

"Piss break." I kiss his lips as I turn to leave.

I make my way to the bathrooms and pee. Yes pee. No way I am jacking off in a public restroom.

I go to tuck my penis in my pants and hold back at the moan from the friction I created.

Fuck. I have never been so hard.

I zip up after attempting to hide my raging erection.

I stare in the mirror and wash my face with cool water. My cheeks are flushed. I can't believe sitting in the dark with Neko has stirred such a reaction.

I don't know how long I stand there. The door opens and I smell him before I see him. He comes behind me and kisses my neck. He wraps his arms around my hips.

"What's the matter love?" Neko whispers.

I am truly beyond embarrassed.

I take my hand and place it on top of his. He cocks his brow at me in the mirror. I slowly migrate his hand to my enormous issue.

Neko smiles and leans down. He kisses my ear before he bites it.

"Not helping." I whimper.

"Why are you so horny?" Neko continues kissing me.

"You." I whine. It's fucking hurting. Like seriously. I feel like I'm burning.

"We can go to the truck." Neko offers.

"I can't leave or be fucked every time we leave the house. What is wrong with me?" I whine.

Neko thinks for a minute before he cringes.

"Koala, didn't you start new meds." Neko asks.

I look at him weirdly. Sure. But, why does he ask. My doctor started me on Trazadone since I started back to school. She said it would help with my anxiety. On the contrary, now my dick is anxious to be pleased.

I roll my eyes and groan.

Fucking anxiety.

"Trazadone." I state.

Neko looks on his phone and laughs.

"May increase sexual desire." Neko shows me his phone.

"Fantastic." I huff.

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