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***Milo's POV***

"Incoming! Koala, grab Lucas." Neko runs through the living room. A pull-up is in one hand. The tiny overalls that should be on our son are in the other. My husband looks exhausted. I bend down swiftly, capturing our three year old in my forearm.

"Down, Daddy. Down." Lucas squeals in protest while I tighten my hold on his little tummy. His back lays flat against me, he flails his arms while kicking his feet.

"If you do not calm down, you're getting reacquainted with the time out chair." My warning is in my famous monster voice. I watch as Luke gives up the fight. He calms in my arms. He presses his chubby palm to my face. This is his apology. I have seen it too often to not recognize it.

"Sorry." Neko pulls our son from my arms. Quickly, my Batman pecks me on the lips.

"No problem. My favorite part of our Saturdays is watching you wrestle our little munchkin to get dressed." Neko glares at me while I smile sweetly. It's true, I love our weekends.

"Just wait until Layla wakes up. It will be my turn to laugh." Neko blows me a kiss while hauling Luke to the couch to get him dressed.

His gentle reminder is a thorn in my side. Our six month old daughter has more fight than the three of us boys combined. She is a handful.

"Knock, knock. Is my slugger ready to play?" Mr. Luke comes in the door, effectively grabbing Luke's attention. My boy squirms away from his Dad once again. At least this time he is dressed.

"Where is Ky, Lux?" I question. I shake the bottle in my hand as I walk over to Luke's backpack to stuff his sippy cup inside.

"Right behind me. Bentley made a mess. No. It was a fucking explosion. You should have seen the splatter. I swear we need hazmat suits around that kid." Mr. Luke laughs heartily while shaking his hands around his head.

"Here. Sorry. God, why did we want kids?" Ky comes through the door followed by Lux who has two month old Bentley strapped to his chest. Ky looks exasperated . Lux coos at his sleeping son.

"They make everything worth it." Lux kisses his husband before plopping down on the couch.

"Nat and Max?" I ask wearily. Nat is eight months pregnant, again. I can't lie by saying she handles it well. I also can't blame her. I have never been pregnant. She looks like a planet. The twins are causing her extreme discomfort.

"Waddling over as we speak." Mr. Luke grabs the stroller. It's a double so that Isla can sit in front. Luke takes the back. Mrs. Julie comes in with our princess as I turn to smile at her.

"Bean. Thank you for trusting us." Mrs. Julie pecks me on the cheek. I give her a brief squeeze. She is the best mother figure I could ask for.

"We love you. We trust with everything." I roll my eyes at Batman. He's a kiss ass. He can use those lips in better places. Like on me, in me.

"I'm here." Nat huffs as her hand braces against the door. Max rubs her back dutifully. His apologetic grimace tells me that he feels terrible for the pain she is in.

"Sit her down. Now." Neko jumps up to his own demand. Immediately, he picks up our angel. He walks, with Natalie in his arms, to the safety of our sofa.

The room is full of some of my favorite people. Our cousins will undoubtedly be by later. They show up every weekend with their significant others in tow.

"Have fun. Don't forget Luke is good at wandering. I packed his leash if he gets out of hand. If he gets too bad, just bring him home. Luke can spend the day on his favorite chair." I glare at my son. He knows exactly what I mean. His pout is confirmation that he understands.

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