My Koala

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***Neko's POV***

"I'm so fucking proud of you. I just can't explain how much." My hands grip my husband's face. I pull my Koala to me, kissing him breathless in front of his whole graduating class.

"Thank you." Milo blushes while pulling away. I pull him in again to kiss him greedily. Fucking proud.

"Okay. Okay. We see how much you love him. Now move over." Amy Bennett playfully pushes me to the side. I grab Isla because I know that is the way to my Koala's heart. He will be right back by my side in no time.

I was wrong. Twenty minutes later, Isla is still pawing at my hair. The three year hold has a monstrous grip. My roots cry out for relief.

"Okay, Isla. Let go of Uncle Neko." Max carefully pries my strands from the little monkey.

Letting out a belting wail, Isla shows her distaste for the change of hands. She only calms down once my husband scoops her into his arms. Milo spins around. Isla's hair flails out in a skirt of silken threads. Her cries are replaced by giggles.

"Okay. We really have to go." I pull Milo towards the car, out of the auditorium.

"I know. God, I hope we are not late." My koala bounces on his toes. He attempts a sprint but, I pull him into my arms to walk like a human.

Turning, we wave to everyone.

"I can't believe we have to do this check-up today." Milo scoots into the truck. I nod my head, pushing his door closed. As soon as I get in the truck, Milo starts panicking.

"Calm down love. Nothing to stress over." I place my hand on his thigh, rubbing my fingers over his bouncing leg.

"I'm done with school. Now, we are getting a baby." Milo turns his head. That grin is breathtaking. Always, my Koala is a thief for my heartbeats.

"Last time I checked." I wink at my precious husband.

He has been so excited. I am too. We are adopting a little boy from social services. It was perfect. It is perfect. The child was placed after his mother gave him to the fire department. We were on the list for a while. It seemed like forever. Now, it feels like just yesterday we were trying to get the papers filled out.

"I can't wait to meet him. I want to hold him. I want to love him so damn hard." Milo continues babbling. Knowing that he needs to get it out, I nod while listening.

The drive to the house takes the usual length of time. We rush in, making sure that Cash is outside. He lays happily underneath the tree in the backyard.

This place is perfect. We bought a starter home. Moving a little closer to the restaurant, we are now settled successfully.

Nat and Max still live close by. The only difference is that Ky and Lux are across the street. They couldn't stand not being in the vicinity. Once Ky graduated, they had rented an apartment and moved in together. Now, they are engaged. The wedding is in a month. I'm so happy to be the best man, to Lux. Koala is standing beside Ky.

A knock on the door interrupts my trip down memory lane. Milo rushes passed me. A breath of hesitation follows as he skids to the front door. I can see the slight tremble of his hand as he reaches for the doorknob.

My hand splays across his lower back, comfortingly. I open the door to greet the social worker. Mr. Livingston stands with a reassuring smile. I give him a smile back before moving out of the way. He slips in passed both me and Milo. We know the drill. This is the last of three check-ins.

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