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***Milo's POV***

I get home and head straight to my room. I have a ton of homework and I ran late because I stopped by Mr. Connor's class after school. He gave me the audio files for our Literature class. I immediately sit down and begin listening to the lesson. I smile as I read along with the sentences in the book. Mr. Connor is awesome.

My phone alerts me of a text, so I pull it out of my hoodie pocket and slide the screen to unlock it with face recognition.

Batman: Hey Koala how was school? Did anything good happen? Are Steve and Marla causing much trouble?

Koala: My Literature teacher called me to read out loud to the class.

Batman: That must have been frustrating for you. I'm sorry Koala.

Koala: It was. But, after class I explained my dyslexia and he gave me the material in audio format. I miss you. 😘

Batman: 😘😘😘 I miss you too. That was really kind of him. Now answer my other question please.

Koala: Sigh. It's no worse than normal. They did make dinner last night.

Batman: Did you eat?

Koala: Um, no.

Batman: Why? 🤬

Koala: Because, they made Peanut Sauce Stir Fry. 🙄

Batman: Are they fucking serious?

Koala: I will eat at school it's not a big deal.

Batman: I'm going to steal you. I swear. 🤗

Koala: I love you.

Batman: I love you more. 😘😘😘

I finished the audio assignment and skimmed over the rest of my homework. I wish I was never held back in first grade. Life would be better if I was already a Senior. Unfortunately, I will be 19 before I graduate. An extra year of hell. Yay.

I walk slowly towards the kitchen and sit down at the bar with a glass of water.

I hear the door open and brace myself for the shit show that will surely ensue.

My mom walks in and slams her purse down on the counter making my water tip over. I jump to catch it but, the glass shatters and water is in a puddle at my mother's feet.

"Clumsy piece of shit." My mom spits towards me.

I could correct her and tell her she hit the glass, but that won't solve anything. I grab a towel and bend down to wipe up the mess when a sharp sting rips up my left hand. I look up to see my mom's stiletto digging into my hand.

"You are worthless. You are a nuisance and can't wait until you can move out." My mom yells as she twists her heel into my hand. I try to yank my hand free but, she just adds more weight to it.

"Me either Mom." I whisper.

She yanks me by my hair and drags my face to mere inches from her own.

"This weekend we are having guests. They will be using your room. Make yourself invisible." She grounds out.

"I can stay at Max's. I won't be a bother to you." I hopefully offer.

"That's perfect. Maybe they can teach you some fucking manners." My mom rolls her eyes as she releases me to hit the floor. I catch myself on the counter and clean the rest of the spilled water and broken glass.

Koala, I've Got You (BxB)Where stories live. Discover now