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***Milo's POV***

Pulling the mail from the box, I immediately notice the weight of the two thick envelopes. Excitedly, I hurry into the house. My fingertips twitch to open the one addressed to me.

"What's that love?" Neko comes from behind the stove where he has been preparing our lunch.

"I'm pretty sure congratulations are in order." I smile brightly towards my husband. Fanning the two envelops in my hands, I walk up to Neko.

I push the mail that is addressed to him into his awaiting hands.

"On three." Neko sends me a gorgeous grin.

"Three." I chirp loudly. The paper tears effortlessly between our fingers. We slide out the letters in companionable silence.

My eyes scan my acceptance letter.

"I got in." My voice cracks. I can hardly believe it.

"Congratulations, Koala. You have earned it." Neko puts his paper to the side. He wraps his fingers under my chin. Pulling me close, he takes a taste of my lips.

I place my hand on his chest, gently pushing him away. I'm eager.

"Did you?" I ask with anticipation.

"Yes Baby. I got in." Neko smiles while nodding his head. Excitement travels through me.

"Congratulations Batman." I jump into his arms. I kiss his whole fucking face. I'm so proud of him.

"Thank you. I'm proud of you, as well. Looks like we are headed to college." Neko spins me briefly. I lay my cheek on his chest.

"Can we celebrate?" I ask softly. This is a milestone. It deserves a memorial.

"How about after lunch we go to the pet store? I recall promising my Koala a puppy." Neko kisses my neck.

"Perfect." I clap my hands. I slide down his form to follow him to the table. Neko plates my lunch. I return my gratitude by blowing him a kiss.

We eat hurriedly. The atmosphere is quiet of words but, the elation of our accomplishment is thick.

Neko pulls me from the house on a mission. Once we are buckled into his truck, he kisses my hand.

"What kind do you want?" Neko sends me a sweet look from the corner of his eye. I think about it before shrugging.

"We will just pick one out. I'm sure we will know when we see him." I haven't really put a lot of thought into it. I have been busy with college applications and employment applications.

"Sounds good." Neko pulls into Harrison's Pet Shop. It's a cool place that houses all different types of animals.

I unbuckle my seat belt. Neko helps me from the truck. I don't need the help. He likes being chivalrous. I love his mannerisms.

We walk into the shop hand in hand.

The sound of barking is like a choir announcing our arrival. I walk straight back to the puppies. I applied for a position here a few days ago. I'm familiar with the layout.

"Koala did you see him?" Neko picks up the most adorable pup I have ever laid eyes on. My fingers go directly to the little dog's chin. I give him a few scratches. He rolls in Neko's arms, exposing his belly.

"Batman." My eyes automatically light up. He has to be the one.

"Found him?" Neko smirks knowingly. I nod my head excitedly.

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