Moving On

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***Milo's POV***

If someone asked me about my life six weeks ago, I would have lied. Now, I can't seem to stop spilling the truth. Something about life finally looking up, opened my mouth to make words flow like a song. The evidence of my past will soon be unseen to the naked eye. I will carry the real wounds with me thru eternity.

And that's okay.

Neko is my blessing. For three weeks I have been doing therapy: physical, mental and educational. I'm exhausted. Neko is right here helping me power thru everything.

The psychologist asked if I thought I needed medicine to deal with the trauma. I was like "Nah. I got Neko." It's true, with Batman by my side, I can do anything.

Monday I will return to school. That might be difficult. The papers have been blasting the sins of my adoptive parents all over the front page news. I can't tell you I'm not ashamed. But, I also know that it's not my cross to carry.

We will be looking at apartments today. I'm excited. I get to start my new life with Neko by my side. The stressful part is ahead. I have already been in and out of the police station and the prosecutor's office. I feel like I have rehashed my side of the story more times than I was actually beaten.

That's not exactly true. It just feels that way.

I take my time getting ready. I have the house to myself until lunch when Batman comes home from work. He works half days on Friday. I have a major limp until physical therapy works out the deterioration of my left leg. It's a bit inconvenient. However, with escaping death and all, I won't complain.

I dress in my khakis with my Batman shirt. I happen to love Batman. Hence why that has always been Neko's pet name. I slowly lace up my boots. My right arm is healed but mobility is still a slight issue.

The bruises are all faded. Any scars have long since set in and are hardly an issue. My ribs still ache mildly but, time heals all physical wounds.

I make my way outside to sit on the porch. I find the air outside clears my head and allows me to think without pause. Sitting on the steps is easier said than done. A few forced movements and one harsh plop on my ass gets me into my desired position.

My head rests against the pillar by the steps. I watch as cars go by and people walk their dogs. After a short hour, I choose to get up and take one of my mandatory walks. I stuff my hands in my pockets and gimp to the sidewalk.

Neighbors greet me. They smile broadly and I return with a small smirk and a nod of my head. Thoughts of the impending trials make their presence known. As much as I try not to dwell on the fact that I will face Steve and Marla, it's unavoidable.

When allowed, I slip into deprecating thoughts. I reevaluate the memories of my childhood and try to pinpoint the exact moment that hate overwhelmed the need to love a child you chose to accept. The thoughts bring me nowhere.

I breathe deeply while staring into the clouds. The thoughts are useless. I focus on things that bring me happiness instead of digging up painful memories that will do nothing but cause me pain. I slip into a blissful state of all things Neko.

Having completed two whole blocks, I make my way back to the house. I close the door behind myself before walking towards the kitchen. I pull out the breakfast Neko set inside of the microwave for me. I take out a bottle of water and make my way to the island. Then I sit and practice feeding myself.

Funny how we take the normal activities of a day for granted. The extensive damage to my right hand has healed. Unfortunately, the muscles are weak from six weeks in a cast.

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