Chapter 1

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Lindsey's POV

"Yes dad, I've got everything I need. Bye. I love you," I say as I walk out the front door, heading to my car.

It's my first day, at my new school, in the middle of the year. How fantastic.
I don't know anyone here, nor do I want to. I miss my friends...

Passing a few houses and taking a few turns, I arrive at SunnyFeild High School.

First class. Spanish.
Why do I even have to take Spanish? I already took a foreign language at my old school. This school is going to ruin my credits.

"Nice of you to join us Miss... What's your name?" The teacher asked me, with a sparkle in her eye.

"Lindsey... Lindsey Jenkins," I say searching for a desk.

"Well, Miss Jenkins, take a seat over by Chance, the boy with the black hoodie," the teacher explained then turned to the board.

I found my way to the empty desk, dodging bag after bag on the floor, how inappropriate.

Chance was looking at me, like I had some sort of disease. It was unappealing, and made me feel self conscious.

"Can I help you?" I ask, feeling uneasy by the unpleasant stares.

"You're hot," he said to me, slowly looking away to the board and didn't say a single word to me for the rest of the class.

I really didn't mind that at all, considering I'm no where near interested in him, or any boy in that matter. I'm gay.

Waiting for the bell to ring, I look around the room. One.. Maybe.. Two cute girls. Disappointing. There was about 10 students to a class, which was very different from my old school, which sat about 30 to a class.

The bell rang, and I gathered my things and headed to my next class.
English III, just great.

I sit in a desk on the front row, looking down to put my stuff down, and was startled in an instant by two hands slamming down on my desk, I slowly look up to see the teacher giving me a crazy look... This bitch is weird...

"You must be Lindsey, how nice to meet you!! You're gonna have an amazing time in this class, and it's gonna be sooooo fun!!" She said over dramatically, and throwing her hands in the air, then walking away.

"You'll get used to her. She's really crazy though... Hi, I'm Emily, and you are...?"

I paused for a moment. What am I trying to say. I'm so confused, I'm at a loss for words.

"I.. Oh.. I'm Lindsey," I say nervously.

"Nice to meet you Lindsey, you'll really like it here," Emily said, walking away while smiling.

She was cute, but not my type. She was a bit too girly.

The classes go on and on and all I'd rather do is just go home, and sleep.

School was over, met a lot of people and a lot of crazy teachers, and I'm exhausted.

I walk out to my car, and was stopped by a figure jogging towards me from behind.

"Lindsey! Lindsey wait up!" A voice said behind me.

"And you are?" I ask confused, and really wishing this moment would end so I could go home.

"My name is Matthew, I'm in your U.S. History class, I'm sorry, I just wanted to see if you would maybe.. Want to get to know each other?" He said, and I instantly and rudely rolled my eyes.

"Look, kid. I'm not interested in getting to know anyone here. Especially like the way you're implying," I start to turn around and open my door.

"Wait, did you think I was hitting on you?" He said, I paused and turned back around.

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