Chapter 6

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Lisa's POV

Okay, breathe... breathe... She's just a girl.

A girl I just so happen to be awkwardly crazy about. She's all I've been thinking about ever since I kissed her. What if she doesn't like me?

Oh god, what if I scared her when I kissed her. Why did I kiss her... I'm so stupid, all I'm going to do is get myself hurt.

I've already started, so might as well finish it.

Time to clear the air.

"Lindsey... I..." I began, then I saw her face not know how to react. "I like you..." I said slowly, as I started to lower my face, to look at my lap.

But before I could, she lifted my chin and kissed me. It was so passionate and loving. Oh, how I've craved her kiss. I needed it.

"Lindsey... I've never had a girlfriend before... What if I mess up?" I said pouting at her.

"Lisa, you won't mess up. We don't have to date if you don't want, right now. We can wait and see how it goes, if you want? Hell, if you asked me, I wouldn't hesitate, but I don't want to rush you," she said to me, she looked serious.

What is she even talking about? Why wait? I don't want to keep her waiting, because by that kiss, she wants to be with me just as much as I want to be with her.

"I'm sure that I like you a lot, and I want to be with you, Lindsey," I said laying next to her.

Lindsey's POV

I honestly can't believe this is happening to me. Is she crazy?

I started laughing, then stood on my feet. She sat up, looking at me confused.

I figured, I ought to be cute about this, so i got down on one knee, holding her hand, then kissing it, "Will you, Lisa, be my girlfriend?"

Her eyes lit up, I felt so happy. Maybe this girl is different from the rest, maybe I will have a future with her.

She jumped off of my bed, throwing her arms around my neck and kissing my cheek, "Of course I will, Lindsey."

Beep Beep Text Message

I paid no attention to it, I wanted to put all my focus on Lisa. I turned my phone off, then put my hands on her waist. "This went way differently then I anticipated," I said smiling, probably blushing a rich red color, My face felt warm.

"I did too, I thought you'd say that you didn't like me, and that our friendship from that point would be awkward," Lisa said as she pulled me to my bed.

"I wanna cuddle..." She said, then yawning.

That was fast.

"Okay, ba-... Lisa," I said giggling in embarrassment. "You don't have to feel awkward calling me babe or baby, hehe, now quit being cute and cuddle me," she said pulling me closer, then laying her head on my chest.

She fell asleep on me, so I figured that I should watch tv or something until she wakes up.

I started flipping channels then turned on my phone.

Beep Beep Text Message

Beep Beep Text Message

Beep Beep Text Message

All from Matthew. What's got him so riled up?

Lindsey, my dad caught Ron and I in my bed.


I need someone.

Ron's ran out of my house and left...


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