Chapter 8

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Lisa's POV

Due to my nap earlier, I woke up at 2 in the morning. I laid there, looking at Lindsey.

Her arms were still around me, I felt so safe in her arms.

I don't know exactly why I felt so safe, she was just a girl. A girl that wasn't that much bigger than me. A girl that I have recently met. A girl I think I may have serious feelings for...

Her sleeping face was so perfect, I didn't want to disturb her, but I wanted to get closer. I began scooting closer and closer, just inches from her face.

Then, she wrapped her arms around me, and pulled me close. Her eyes never opened, and she pulled me to where she was just a breath away.

I closed my eyes and tried to drift off to sleep again, but I couldn't. I laid there, in her arms for I don't know how long until I heard a noise coming from the guest room.

I wanted to get up and check if Ron and Matt were okay, but then again at the same time, I don't want to leave her arms. I could stay here forever.

Matthew's POV

"Hehe, baby we're gonna wake them up, stop it, hehe," I said laying on my back, looking up at Ron, holding his arms.

"We can be quiet..." He said kissing my neck. "No, no, baby, we have to respect Lindsey, we shouldn't do this here..." I say seeing his face change, then he gets off of me and lays beside me, turning his back the opposite direction.

"Ron..." I say putting my hand on his bare back. "Just go to sleep, hun..." he said sounding disappointed.

I felt a pang in my chest, so I rolled over on my side, facing away from him. A tear fell from my eye, and I sniffled a few time. So, I got up and went to the bathroom.

Why do I have to be so emotional? I can see that he wanted to make love to me, but I wanted to respect my friend. I was not about to do inappropriate things without her knowledge.

I looked in the mirror, and saw my face was red. Why was it this red? I barely even cried.

I heard a knock on the bathroom door, I didn't want to open it because I didn't know if I was emotionally stable to see Ron.

I opened the door slowly to see Lindsey.

"Did we wake you?" I asked wiping a tear from my eye. "No, Lisa did, but I heard you sniffling so I came to see if you were okay," she said opening the door a little wider.

"No, no, I'm fine. It's just that I made Ron mad because I didn't want to... um... yeah... in your house, because I wanted to respect you, because you're my friend," I said starting to pout.

"No one ever goes in the guest room, so if you want to, you can, you have my consent, just try not to be so loud, haha," she said, and I felt better knowing she didn't care.

"So, where's Lisa?" I asked half smiling. "She's still in bed, probably waiting on me, so you get back to your man and I'll get back to my girl, and I'll see you in a few hours," She said smirking, then walking back to her room.

Lindsey's POV

"You awake?" I ask, as I lay down next to her. "Yes," she said yawning then smiling.

"Good," I giggled then kissed her cheek, playfully. "I'm glad I met you," she said snuggling up next to me. "I'm glad I met you too, babe," I said kissing her forehead.

We both ended up falling back asleep, then I woke up about 9. I woke up before everyone else, so I decided to fix everyone breakfast.

My mom and her boyfriend were asleep in her room, I don't even remember her coming in. Or did she even leave?

I walked back into the kitchen and pulled out eggs, bacon, and bread.

Half an hour had gone by and everything was finished cooking, I made my mom's and Darrell's plate first.

I set their plates at the table, then walked into her room.

"Hey, mom, I made you and Darrell breakfast, come eat," and they were both up by the time I said the word 'breakfast'.

They both sat at the table, and I made mine and Lisa's plate, then set them at the table.

I walked back into my room and kissed her to wake her up. "Good morning," she grunted then smiling. "I made breakfast," I said seeing her eyes light up. We both got up, and went to get the boys.

I told them the same thing, and we walked into the dining room. By the time we sat down, the boys were in there fixing their plates.

Everyone seemed to have enjoyed it, so that felt nice.

"So mom," I paused and looked at Lisa. "This is Lisa, my girlfriend," I said seeing my mom smile.
"I figured as much, I checked on you two earlier and you were all up on each other," my mom said smirking at me. "Hush mom," I said giggling.

"Nice to meet you, Lisa. My name is Denise," my mom said smiling at Lisa.

After everyone finished, mom and Darrell had to go to work, and Matthew and Ron were headed to Ron's so Lisa and I were left alone.

"Your mom seems really nice," she said kissing my cheek.

"Yeah, I really wasn't expecting you to meet her so soon," I said honestly.

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