Chapter 2

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Lindsey's POV

Today is going to be long, I can just tell.
I walked to lunch, and Matthew met me.

"Hey hey," he said almost skipping, smiling so bright that he was almost glowing.

"Hey," I said giggling. "You okay there, dude?" I continued.

"Yes! I'm absolutely perfect in every way possible!" He said opening the door for me.

"Okay, spill it. What happened?" I asked laughing and grabbing onto his arm and shaking it.

Matthew looked around, then leaned in to whisper in my ear, "my boyfriend and I had sex for the first time last night."

I backed up, looking at him with a surprised face, then fist bumped him.

"Rad! That's so cool! How long have y'all been together?" I asked propping my feet up, holding my face up with my hands, and elbows on my knees, like a little kid that's hearing a story that they've never heard before.

"We've been together for a year and a half," he said smiling.

"That's so cute," I said nudging him.

"So what about you? You got a lady friend in your life?" Matthew asked, bright eyed.

"I wish. I haven't found anyone I've.. Eh.. Clicked with..." I said looking away from him, then back.

Did I just say clicked? Is there not a better term?

No, I have not found the right girl yet. All of the girls I've been with, played with my emotions then left me. And I've yet to find a single significant other that wants to be with me for me, nothing more, nothing less.

"It's okay, you'll find the one sooner or later," Matthew assured.

The bell rang, time for U.S. History.

I'd rather not even go, it's nothing but sit there and do nothing all class period.

The only upside was that Matthew was in there, he's basically my only friend I talk to here. But hey, there could be more to come. It's only my second day.

"Miss Jenkins, the office called for you, do you know where Mr. Denüre's office is?" The teacher asked.

"No, sir," I said faintly.

"Ehh.. Lisa, will you please show Lindsey where Mr. Denüre's office is," he asked.

"Yes, sir, c'mon Lindsey," she said grabbing my wrist and leading me out of the classroom.

It feels like forever walking down these hallways, turn... Turn... Turn... Go upstairs... Turn... Turn.. More stairs...

After a minute or two, we arrive at his office.

"If you aren't sure if you can find your way back, I can wait for you," Lisa said smiling at me. "Do you mind?" I say giggling and smiling.

"Not at all, I'll just sit here," she said, as I knock and walk into his office.

"Miss Jenkins?" He asked.

"Yes, you wanted to see me?" I asked, sitting down in the chair in front of his desk.

"Miss Jenkins, it's been reported to me that your appearance is threatening to some of our students and faculty," he said closing his hands together.

"Threatening? How do I appear threatening?" I ask, beginning to get angry.

"Miss Jenkins, we don't discriminate here at SunnyFeild High, but we advise out female students with shorter hair to not gel up their hair, or wear black leather... We have a reputation to uphold..." He continued.

"You don't discriminate, huh? Telling your female students what they can and cannot wear is discriminating, if you haven't noticed. I will not stop gelling my hair, and I will wear leather if I please, simply because I have a right to. Your so called "reputation" you need to uphold, has already gone to hell, because I know for a fact that I'm not the only one who hair her hair gelled, and wears leather. Also, I would advise that you not try to prevent me from wearing what I want, because I will go straight to the district and have the school shut down or you fired for discrimination of students. Thank you, sir. Have a nice day," I say grabbing my bag, then meeting Lisa in the hall again.

"What did he want?" Lisa asked kinda nervously. "He wants me to quit gelling up my hair and quit wearing leather, so I threatened that if he didn't stop telling me what to wear that I would go to the district and have the school shut down or him fired for discrimination," I said whipping off my shoulder.

"If you had the school shut down, I would love you forever!" She said, realizing she may have gone a bit too far and started blushing.

"Oh yeah? I might have to keep that in mind," I say smirking.

We're back to the classroom, and not even 2 seconds of us sitting down, the bell rang.

The day continued to be long, as predicted.

After the day was over, I head to my car, then drive home. I tried to wait for Matthew to see if he was coming, but he never showed.

I get home, no ones here. Parents are at work, and I have the house all to myself.

Just the way I like it.


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