Chapter 16

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Lindsey's POV

It's been a long night, Lisa still hasn't called.

Was she okay?

Maybe I should... No.

I'm not going to call her, I refuse. I'm way too clingy.

I hate saying those words. Clingy? Being attached to something you're dear to? What's so wrong about it?

Lost in thought, my phone rings.

I answer it without any hesitation.

"Hello?" I ask, not even looking at who called.

"Hey.. I'm sorry.." I hear Lisa's voice.

"About what?" I asked.

"I shouldn't have asked for space. I didn't realize how much I needed you until now. Can I come over?" Lisa asks sounding a bit hesitant.

"Of course, babe, the doors open," I said, hanging up, throwing myself on my bed, smiling.

Moments and moments went by, and Lisa walked through my bedroom door.

She looked frustrated, then hurried to me, only to throw her arms around me and squeeze me tight.

"Well, hello to you too," I giggled. "I missed you," she said, sounding a bit soft.

That night, all we did was tell each other how our nights without each other took a toll on us. Never again, would we just not talk to each other.

The days...

The weeks...

The months...

All flew by so quickly. Here I am, laying next to my beautiful girlfriend on a warm summer day. Lisa and I have been committed to one another for a little over a year now.

Matthew and Ron moved away together, and Lisa and I got our own place.

My life is great, with Lisa. I decided I was going to surprise her tonight with a date, where ever she wanted to go.

"Can I drive?" Lisa asked, basically jumping until I agreed.

"Sure," I giggled. Picking her up, twirling her around and kissing her passionately, as if in a movie.

Lisa ran off to the bathroom to do her primping before we left. Me? I just threw some nice clothes on and gelled my hair.

I sat on the couch, waiting for what felt like forever. But, I didn't mind.

I heard the door open, and saw her.
She wore the dress that she wore on our first date.

Lisa grabbed the keys, and my hand, and we headed out of the door.

The specific place, she wanted to go was an hour away. Of course, I didn't mind that either.

It started getting dark, and it just stopped raining.

Lisa looks over at me, and the next thing I know, my head hits the dashboard.

My vision, blurred, slowly looked up at Lisa. It felt like I was in slow motion, as I did.

My vision cleared, and there I saw her.

Lisa, pinned to the car seat, with a metal rod piercing through her chest.

She slowly looks over to me. "I love you..." Lisa said whispering, as her eyes began to close.

"Lisa!!" I leaned toward her, patting her face.

"Lisa..." I said putting my head on her shoulder, letting tear after tear fall.

The ambulance came, and I could barely move.

I broke my nose, and I have a slight concussion.

I didn't want to leave her, but the men put me on a gurney and put me in the ambulance.

This is my fault...

I should've been the one driving...

I should've been the one.. Dead..

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