Chapter 15

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Lisa's POV

She did it. She asked the question. The one question that scares me the most.

Yes, I love Lindsey. I want to spend the rest of my life with her, she's all I've ever wanted and needed.

That night, I told Lindsey yes. But, we both agreed that we'd wait before we went into full detail about marriage. It would be years before we ever legitimately think about it.

Technically, Lindsey and I are engaged.

But we have our whole lives ahead of us, and getting engaged after about 8 months wasn't what I predicted.

About a year ago, I wouldn't have expected myself to be in a committed relationship, I wouldn't have expected myself to be this happy, I wouldn't have expected a lot of things that have happened.

I guess you could say that Lindsey and I are getting pretty serious, we can't stay away from each other. Which, in all reality, isn't going to go well in the future.

What if I leave on business, and Lindsey wants to come along? Or I won't want to leave? What then?

I need my space, for my own sake.

"Hey, you want to come over after school?" Lindsey said running up behind me, putting her hands on my hips.

"I.. I can't today. I've got to study.." I said looking up at her.

"I can help you study," she said running her hand across my cheek.

"I.. I'm fine. I can do it myself," I said seeing Lindsey's face go into instant shock.

"Oh... Alright then, well, I'll call you later, okay?" Lindsey said waving me off, walking towards Matthew.

Lindsey's POV

Is she getting tired of me? Why couldn't I help her study?

"Hey Matthew, do you think that I might be a little too clingy to Lisa?" I asked trying not to look worried, lightly biting the nails on my finger tips.

"No, I just see pure love and affection when I see the both of you. Why do you ask?" Matthew said, putting down his cell phone to look at me.

"Because, I asked Lisa if she wanted to come over, and she told me no, and that she wanted to study... Alone..." I said, pacing back and forth.

"Maybe you two need some space, I mean, you have been up each other's asses for almost a year now," Matthew said scaring me even more.

Maybe I was being clingy. Maybe I did need to give Lisa some space. But, how much is too much?

I love her, she's mine. She's all mine, I can't lose her. Not even if I'm being too clingy. I need her, she's my forever and always. I simply can't let this go downhill.

Maybe... Maybe I shouldn't call tonight. If she wants to talk, then she can call me.

I shouldn't be overthinking this.

It's not healthy.

Lisa's POV

Lindsey hasn't called, nor texted me since I rejected her invite.

Maybe I should've just gone, I miss her terribly.

Should I call her?


This was my idea to have a little space. But, was space what I really wanted?

Lindsey... I wonder what she's doing right now. Wondering about me, maybe?

I can't get her off of my mind, and that's just as bad as her being here.

Oh, how I crave her presence, next to me right now. Oh, how I crave her lips, just to softly touch mine.

Should I call? Or should I just go to sleep?

I'm so conflicted, and I'm upset at myself. I missed my girlfriend, and the only thing holding me back is myself.

Maybe space isn't what I needed, maybe it was just what I thought I needed.

I need my girlfriend.

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