Chapter 10

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Lindsey's POV

She said it. She said she loved me.

She meant it, I could see it in her eyes. This is the first time I've ever felt so sane in a relationship.

No one has ever meant it when they told me they loved me.

But Lisa, Lisa meant it.

I'm in love with her and she doesn't realize how much I love and need her, we've shared so many personal stories, and told secrets, I'm completely in love with her and her past.

She's been through a lot too, I've never really thought that everyone else had deep and rough pasts, I only thought it was me, but I was so wrong.

"I miss her..." I said tossing and turning in my bed, listening to music.

We've only dated a month and a half and here we sit, telling each other we love each other, and mean it.

Maybe there really is such a thing as love, maybe I've just been denying it for all of this time because I've never experienced this feeling before.

I continued to toss and turn all night, and I had to wake up in a few hours.

Just great.

I eventually drifted off to sleep, and when I woke up, I wasn't feeling too good. Not really sick, just exhausted.

I got up, showered, then got ready.

I texted Lisa to see if she wanted a ride to school, and she told me yes.

I headed out the door, keys in hand, then leaving my driveway.

I turned the radio up as I drove down the road. After a few minutes, I pull into Lisa's driveway, then honked.

She ran out the door, swinging her backpack around her shoulder, then getting in my car.

"Hey babe," Lisa said kissing my cheek.

"Hey beautiful," I said smiling, then heading to school.

"So, I think I want to come out today," Lisa said fixing her dress.

"Really?" I asked surprised.

"Yes, I've been thinking about it a lot, and I really don't want to hide who I am anymore," Lisa said smiling.

We arrived at school, and I got out to open her door. Lisa grabbed my hand and we walked through the school without a care in the world.

Lisa was so confident about this, and I had to say, it was pretty attractive.

People stared, and people whispered, but Lisa was still smiling and walking, while holding my hand.

God, this felt amazing.

I walked Lisa to class, then I kissed her.

People stared more than before, and I walked away smiling, I didn't care what people thought, this was the most amazing feeling ever.

The day continued, and Lisa was talking about me like I was her main priority. I feel so special, I'm literally ecstatic.

Lisa went home with me after school, and we chilled for a little while, then watched movies.

Watching The Notebook, made me think that I have a love like that.

I occasionally look down at Lisa, she's so into the movie, it was so adorable.

Right here, right now, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

"I love you," I whispered kissing her forehead.

"I love you too," Lisa giggled.

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