Chapter 12

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Matthew's POV

I can't believe this day has come, Ron proposed.

He came up to my work during lunch, and dropped down on one knee in front of everyone.

I jumped up in excitement, yelling, "yes, yes, yes," then kissing him so passionately in front of everyone.

Lindsey and Lisa were both almost in tears at the sight, it made me so happy. They've both been working with me since they got back from their cruise.

I left work right after lunch, and went home with Ron.

I was surprised when I saw rose petals outlining the words, "I love you," on my front yard.

We went into my room and cuddled all day, I love him, he's my everything.

Lisa's POV

Seeing Ron propose to Matthew made my insides tingle, it made me happy that my close friend was happy.

Some people think that love isn't real, but I can assure you that when you find the right person you were made to be with, you'll soon realize that love is a real thing. Most people were just looking in the wrong places.

Gladly, I was looking in the right ones when I met Lindsey.

Thinking of how Ron and Matthew are engaged made me have the thoughts of getting married.

What kind of dress would I wear? Would Lindsey wear a dress or a suit? Will my family support me?

Why did my friends engagement get me to thinking about this? Yes, I found the person I'm sure to be with for the rest of my life, but thinking of the marriage and all the details, I don't think I'll be ready for that for a few years.

Hopefully, Lindsey will be around up until then.

Lindsey's POV

The whole engagement thing is cute, yes, but it got me to thinking that if I'm ever going to marry someone, I want it to be with one person, and one person only.

I hope that Lisa is that one person.

The whole idea of divorce scares me, because getting married is a sacred bond between two souls, and a divorce would be throwing that bond away.

Lisa hasn't hurt me, and I actually believe that she never will. Maybe I'm overthinking all of this, maybe marriage isn't that bad.

I'd still want to wait a while, though.

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