Chapter 7

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Lindsey's POV

I feel like a complete jerk. I shouldn't have been selfish, I should've have just checked my phone to at least read the message.

Lisa was still asleep, so I walked outside with my phone dialing his number, "Hey Matthew, you okay? My phone was off. What's going on?"

"Lindsey... My dad walked in on me in Ron in my bed, I had him thinking that Ron was my best friend... That way he could spend the night, and he caught us messing around. Ron grabbed all of his things in a hurry then ran out of my house. I don't know what I'm gonna do, Lindsey," he ranted on, I could hear the pain in his voice.

I should've been there for him.

"Do you want to come over? I feel like you need a friend..." I asked, looking over to his house.

"Mhmm," he said faintly, then a few moments later, I see him walking out of his yard and into mine. I ran up and hugged him, "It'll be okay Matthew."

"I know, it's just that I'm scared that Ron is gonna leave me because of this. My dad, I'm not worried about, he was drunk. So, he'll most likely not remember, you think I can stay over tonight? I'll just tell my dad that I asked and he said yes. He'll go along with it," he stated, with his tear stained face.

I wonder what Ron is thinking right now, I hope for Matthew's sake that he won't do anything drastic.

"Yeah sure, you can sleep on the couch in my room, I'd let you sleep in the bed with me, but I have a visitor who's kinda claimed the spot," I say giggles, seeing his facial expression change as if he knew who I was talking about.

We walked to my room, and Lisa was still asleep.

I wonder if I could talk to Ron...

"Hey, Matthew, what's Ron's number? I think I can help," I say pulling out my phone.

Matthew pulled out his phone then gave me Ron's number. I hope that this will work.

I really hope it isn't as bad as I think it is.

Lisa's POV

My eyes haven't even opened, all I hear is loud talking and a familiar voice. I opened my eyes to see Matthew sitting on the edge of the bed, watching tv.
Where was Lindsey?

"Hey Matt, where's Lindsey?" I ask, cracking my voice, still tired.

"She's on the phone with my boyfriend. My dad caught us in bed together, and he ran out. I fear that he's gonna leave me... So, Lindsey is trying to help. God bless her, she's been outside for 20 minutes now, I hope things are gonna work out..." He said looking down, trying not to cry.

I sit up, and hug him. "I'm really sorry, Matt, I'm sure everything is going to be okay."

Lindsey walked in, she looked surprised, I guess cause I was awake now.

Lindsey's POV

"Ron will be here soon, Y'all can sleep in the guest room, if you'd like. He's not mad or anything. He was just scared, so he ran out," I said seeing Matthew's expression change from fear to happiness within an instant.

I looked over to Lisa, she looked so cute. Her hair was in a bun, it was messy and off to the side, but she made it so adorable.

"Thank god," Matthew said standing up, and fanning his eyes and smiling.

I'm glad I could help. I felt so scared for Matthew.

"Babe," Lisa said holding her arms out to me, almost childlike. "Yes," I say giggling, walking closer to her, then picking her up.

I held her like a parent would her own child, she wrapped her legs around my torso, and her arms around my neck.

She kissed my cheek over and over, playing. She's so cute, and I love the sudden boost of confidence she has with me.

I love that I make her so comfortable.

"Awe," Matthew said, obsessing over how cute we were being with each other in his presence.

I left my door to my room open so I could hear if there was a knock on the front door or not. A few moments when by, and we all traveled to the living room to wait for Ron.

We heard a car door shut, Matthew jumped up, opened the door, then ran out to him literally in tears.

Lisa and I just waited for them to come in the house, we both started giggling when Ron walked in the house with Matthew on his back, kissing his cheek and ear.

I grabbed Lisa's hand, and we traveled into my room, trying to leave Ron and Matthew alone.

I felt as if they needed to share a few words alone with each other.

"You're so cute," I said shaking my head and smiling at Lisa.

"Not as cute as you," she said nudging me and giggling.

Ron and Matthew walked into my room, but blushing a crimson color. They were absolutely crazy for each other, and I was envious of how long that've been together, and even after all of this time, when something as big as what happened, their still together.

Would that happen with Lisa and I?

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