Chapter 13

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Lisa's POV

Most of the time, I would stay at Lindsey's house because I was more secluded, and all I want is to be alone with her all of the time.

But today was different, she convinced me to let her stay at my house.

I guess she just likes the company and the security of a superior being in the presence.

This would be the second time she's stayed, I don't necessarily like the idea because my parents are really embarrassing.

Last time she spent the night, out came the baby pictures. Thanks mom.

My dad's a total geek, all he talked about was his 'new invention' and how to run motored objects by wind.

"Hey mom, hey dad," I said kissing both of their cheeks as I guide Lindsey through the door.

"How was your day?" My dad asked Lindsey and I.

"Fine," I said putting my bag down. "It was great, sir," Lindsey said hugging my dad enthusiastically.

That escalated far too quickly for my comprehension.

"Lisa and I are taking you and the misses out tonight," Lindsey said smiling.

"Where are we going?" mom asked.

"It's a surprise," I said smirking at my mom.

Lindsey took my hand and lead me to my room, she laid down, pulling me into her lap. I fit so perfectly there, so safe.

We just listened to music for about an hour, then told my parents to start getting ready.

20 minutes later, my mom and dad are in the backseat of Lindsey's car, and we're driving to a place, the place.

The place where I told Lindsey I loved her.

Lindsey's POV

I felt I needed to reserve us a table, due to the fact that this place is pretty busy and hard to get in. Luckily, my cousin is the manager.

I got out of my car, and helped Lisa's mom out of the backseat. She blushed at me. How idiosyncratic.

The man at the desk looked at me, then asked to follow.

We followed the man to a table not too far away from the table Lisa and I had.

"This is such a nice place," Lisa's mom said in awe.

"It really is," Lisa's dad agreed.

The waitress took our order, then came back with our food in no time at all.

Once the lady brought the bill, Lisa's dad reached for it. I quickly grabbed it before he could, then gave the lady my card.

"No, sir, I'm paying," I said smiling.

Lisa's dad trying to find the words to argue, but he couldn't. He froze, then pulled his hand back. He smiled at me and said I was a good kid.

I hope my impression was good tonight, because I really want to get to know Lisa's parents. They're such nice people.

Maybe tonight, I should tell Lisa how I'm feeling. She knows I love her, but does she know I'm in love with her?

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