Chapter 3

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Lindsey's POV

Turning my music on full blast, drowning out every waking thought I had. I walk around my house, trying to find something to entertain me.


I walked back to my room, and threw myself onto my bed.

"I wonder what Matthew is doing..." I say to myself, picking up my phone.

Lindsey: hey, you okay? Didn't see you after school...

Matthew: Ron picked me up, sorry if you waited, boo.

Lindsey: it's fine. Lol. You with him now?

Matthew: yes, we're just listening to music in my room. What are you doing?

Lindsey: same. Y'all want to come over? I wanna meet him!

Matthew: sounds fabulous! Be over in a minute! xx

A few minutes later, there was a knock on my front door. I hopped over, and opened the door within an instant.

"Hey hey, my beauties," I said jumping and dancing to the current song that was playing.

"Awwwh, Hun, she's precious," Ron said giggling, while holding Matthews hand.

We all walked to my room, and sat on my bed.

"So, I'm Lindsey, so you must be the cutie with a booty that Matthew's been talking about," I say winking at Matthew.

"I never said that," Matthew said blushing, giggling, then lighting tapping my arm as if I had embarrassed him.

"I love love love your hair, girl," Ron said to me.

"Thanks!" I say scratching the back of my neck and grinning.

Matthew's POV

She was gone with Lisa a while today, I was quite curious. I wanted to ask so many questions in such little time, I didn't want to start a huge conversation that didn't involve Ron.

Lindsey's POV

"So, Lindsey, I have a question," Matthew said, holding Ron's hand.

"Okay..." I said throwing a piece of gum in my mouth.

"So, Lisa walked you to the office, and y'all came back together. She waited?" Matthew asked, scooting closer.

"Yeah... Cause I wasn't sure how to get back to the classroom..." I said, trying not to blush.

"I saw the way you looked at her, and you blushed when she sat down next to you, sorry if it seems that I'm instigating, but do you like her?" Matthew asked me, wide eyed, almost shaking in with exasperation.

"She's cute," I said running my hand on the side of my head. "Want me to see if she's gay? See if she's interested?" Matthew asked, basically hopping like a bunny on my bed.

"No, Matthew. I'd rather see for myself, not anyone do work for me," I said, patting Matthew's cheek.

"Oh! Baby, I'm sorry. We left you out. Silly us," Matthew said kissing Ron. It was adorable.

I wish I had a relationship like that. No problems, no regrets, the comfort, the commitment. It all seems so nice to have, but unfortunately, every time I try to find someone who wants those things for me, I always get used and left high and dry.

I highly doubt that I will ever find a girl like that. Ever...

Hours had passed, it was nearly midnight before the boys left. It was so nice meeting Ron, and hanging out with Matthew. They were a perfect match.

Matthew really got me thinking, do I like Lisa?

She's really attractive, in her own unique and personal way. I liked it... I liked her...

Damn it, Matthew. Why did you have to bury this into the depths of my mind. I'm not gonna forget it... Or her...

I woke up the next morning, getting ready, then leaving as soon as I could just to see Lisa.

Why was I getting ahead of myself? She and I have barely even conversed, she had no idea about the thoughts I've had, and all the questions I've asked myself.

I don't know where my head is right now, but I'm feeling confident, so who even cares where it's at.

"Hey... Lisa right?" I said, walking up to her, seeing her perched on the bench, reading a book by one of my favorite authors.

Attractive and good taste in literature. She's perfect.

"Yes, hehe, what's up, Lindsey?" She said, setting down her book, smiling at me. "Nothing, I.. I.. Uh.." I said. I froze.

What do I say? What do I do?

"I just wanted to say hi, and I'd like to get to know you better, because you're really nice and I was wondering if you'd like to be my friend? Sorry, if I'm babbling. I'm new at this, and I..." I continued, then she interrupted.

"It's totally fine, yes, I would love to be your friend Lindsey, can I see your phone?" She asks me, holding out her hand.

I hand her my phone, to see her type in a number, then her name with a face next to it. Cute.

"So, text me so I have your number, and we can chat. Do you mind if I sit with you at lunch today?" Lisa said half smiling, with her eyes not leaving mine.

"Yeah, okay, I'll do that now, and I would love it if you sat with me at lunch, see you then," I said walking away, smiling like an idiot.

Lindsey: hey, it's me. :)

Lisa :) : hey, stranger, I'll text you after school. Kay? See you at lunch! xx

The day went slow and quite frankly, I wish it would go a bit faster, so I could see her.

Why am I obsessing over a girl I just met?

Finally, lunch came, and I met up with Lisa. She grabbed my arm and pulled me in front of her, in line.

After we got our trays, we went to the table where Matthew was.

Matthew jumped in excitement then scooted over, patting the seats next to him for us.

Matthew looked at me, and raised his eyebrows up and down several times.

"Cool it," I said quietly to him.
Lunch went by fast, as did the rest of the day.

I got home, threw myself on my bed.

I ended up texting Lisa all night... Learning so much... We have a lot in common.

I hope she likes me...

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