Chapter 9

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Lindsey's POV

Lisa and I have been together for a little over a month, and she still hasn't come out at school yet. Which I'm totally fine with, I'm ready whenever she's ready.

We were on our way to school, and I asked her when I could take her out. Of course, she was bashful and told me she didn't know. So, I figured that I might as well surprise her tonight.

The school day went by slow, all I wanted to do was spend every waking second with her. I really like her... I might even... No, it's too soon.

Is it too soon? I feel like I'm at that stage to where I might even love Lisa. Would she love me back? Or would this be a continuous thing of us liking each other, and just being temporary?

I hope that's not what it is, I hope that she's different.
If she's not, then she needs to tell me before I'm the only one catching serious feelings for her.

Lisa rode with her brother home, because I told her to dress nice.

I went home, showered, got dressed, then headed out the door. I was wearing my white button up with my grey vest, and black skinny jeans.

After a few minutes of driving, I stopped at Lisa's house.

I picked up my phone and called her.

"Hey, babe, I'm here," I said.

"Hey, okay, I'm on my way," she said as she hung up, I looked to my left and saw her walking out her front door putting her left earring in.

She was wearing a red dress and red lipstick, and her hair was so wavy. She was so beautiful.

"You look... Wow," I said trying find the words.

"Hehe.. You look pretty wow yourself, babe," she said opening my car door and getting into the passenger seat.

I look over at her and smile.

I reach into my back seat and grab her flowers and a teddy bear, and give them to her.

Her face lit up, and was almost in tears.

"Oh, baby, you didn't have too," she said jumping up a little then kissing my cheek.

I smiled the entire ride.

I knew she loved seafood, so I took her to that new seafood restaurant.

As we pulled in, she looked at me, "you remembered," she said smiling.

"Yeah, I remember you saying you always wanted to try this place," I said as I leaned to kiss her.

I hop out, then go around to open her door.

"Oh, how lovely," she said trying to curtesy and sound a little facetious. It was adorable.

We walk in, and I said to the person at the front desk, "I have a reservation for Jenkins, party of two," I said holding Lisa's hand.

The man looked at us funny, checked his book, then told us to follow him.

We went to one of the side rooms with the reserved tables, by the window.

It was so perfectly lit, and set so perfect.

It made me seem like an amazing girlfriend for making the perfect night for the perfect girl.

We sat down, and looked at the menu.

"What will you two have?" The waiter said with a very enthused smile.

"I'll have the tofu in lobster drippings, with shrimp scampi on the side," Lisa said handing her menu to the waiter.

"I'll have the fully cooked lobster drizzled in lemon, and shrimp scampi on the side," I said handing my menu to the waiter.

"It'll be ready soon," the waiter said walking away.

After about 20 minutes, out food got to us, and we ate, and talked about our day.

We both were nearly finished when Lisa stopped me.

"Can I tell you something, Lindsey?" She said brushing her hair behind her ear.

"Yes, anything, babe," I said whipping my mouth, paying attention.

"I think that.." Lisa began.

"That?" I asked, looking confused.

"I think that I love you, Lindsey," she continued.

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