♥~Gray's Life~♥

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Gray's POV

I had just finished up a live news interview, and I was back to working. My whole positive aura was just a facade to cover up my sadness. And no, this wasn't only because i'm running my late father's company. This was more so because of the terrible fact that I had lost the greatest thing to happen to me. AKA, Juvia. I missed her so much, the way her wavy blue hair would frame her perfect, tiny face. The constant smile she had on, no matter what life would throw at her. I just missed everything about her. Why did Cana have to ruin everything for me? Didn't my happiness matter to her, like hers did to me? I cursed under my breath, as I thought about her. This shouldn't even still be a thought in my mind, especially after four years of being away from her.

'You made it clear Gray, we're done. Finito. Fin. OVER......Fuck off Gray. I NEVER want to see you again.....'

Those words played over and over again in my head. Why couldn't I have just ignored Cana, instead of believing in a fucking dream? Why is my life so fucked up, even though I have everything going right for me? It's because I listened to a fucking dream instead of my own gut feeling. I was snapped out of my thoughts when my PA came to inform me of my growing schedule. "Thanks for letting me know Wendy." I said bluntly, in a cold tone. She nodded with a small smile. "No problem Mr. Gray. I'll be going now." Wendy turned and left the room. I was about to return to my world of thoughts and regrets, when something on my TV stopped me. It was the last person that I wanted to see right now-- Juvia.

Stay tuned for a special news update on rising pop star/actor 'Mizu Tenshi Jubia', [A/N; her name is Water Angel Juvia] as we get a special interview from her. She will tell us how she started in the performing arts industry, and the next movie or song we will get from her.

Just then, many images of her pop up on screen, as well as a snippet of her singing. I never knew she could sing. I guess that's something that I never got to know about her, maybe she was too shy to sing in front of me. But it doesn't matter now, i'm not important to her anymore. I bet she's enjoying her life without me.

You have no idea how bad I want you back Juvia.

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